Chapter 17

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Ever since Drew and I made up I've been getting out more. I've talked to the girls, and surprisingly I've talked to my family. It's weird to talk to them and know that I won't hear anything about my grandparents. I wish I spent more time with them and I guess I'm trying to talk to my parents more because of it.

I started drawing a little but only like once a week. Things are starting to get better again. I'm not sure if anything will ever be like it used to but at least I'm talking again right?

"Chloe? Are you ever coming out of there? We got to go!" Drew yells.

"Just a second." I yell back and look myself over again.

Since Drew and I work for six people who are known for fashion, we naturally got invited to a fashion event.

I decided on a blue and red polka dot dress with black heals. I put let my hair fall down in its natural  small lose waves. I put on a little make up. I walk out once in sure everything looks good and I put my phone in my pocket.

"Chloe we got-" Drew stops mid-sentence and just stares at me with his mouth a gap.


"Nothing. It's just, you look stunning." He breaths out.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I say jokingly because he truly look amazing in a suit.

"Thanks babe. Now let's go before were late." He says grabbing my hand.

"Hey! Slow down a bit! I'm wearing heels remember?" I tell him and pull my hand out of his grip.

"Right, sorry. We're almost there anyway."

Sure enough a minute later we arrive at the hotel in which the event is being held.

"This is going to be awesome!" I say to Drew for the billionth time tonight.

"Really? I thought that you thought this was going to be the worst thing ever." He says sarcastically.

"Very funny. Let's just go in."

"I know I'm hilarious." He says and opens the door for me.

"Thank you."

"Anytime Chlo." He says smiling.

We walk to the room where the party is. We find our bosses fairly easy and then the party starts.


Drew and I stumble up to his apartment. The party was a success and we're going to celebrate. Yes we've had a few drinks. But only like.....7 mini drinks and 2 things with green olives.



"You look so hot."

"So do you."

With that we kiss. It's not a normal kiss though. It's hungry and full of passion. He backs my up against the wall and moves his hands to my thighs. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss.

He squeezes my thighs signaling me to jump. So of course I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. Drew then starts to walk somewhere. I'm assuming he's walking to his bed, and sets me down.

Soon enough were both stripped of our clothes. I'm in my bra and underwear, while he's in his boxers. We keep kissing until Drew breaks the kiss.

"You sure you want to do this." He asks and I just nod.


I wake up with a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and a killer headache. I try to get out but Drew pulls me closer and tightens his grip so I just look up at him.

Then I notice that we're both naked. What happened last night. Oh shit! I think I'm gonna be sick.

I throw Drew's arms off of me and run to the bathroom to throw up. I feel my hair being pulled back and have enough time to see Drew before I throw up again.

"Those drinks aren't sitting too well with you are they." He says and I can hear the smirk.

"Shut up and get me water with aspirin."

"I will right after I get some myself." With that he walks away and returns a few minutes later with the desired things.


"Anytime Chlo."

I put the aspirin in my mouth and swallow it with the water Drew brought then brush my teeth.

"I feel like shit." I tell Drew.

"I'm sure you do babe. I'll go make coffee and then we can just lay on the couch and watch movies. Sound good?"

"This is why I love you."

"I love you too babe. Now you just go get dressed and meet me on the couch."

"Got it." I say and walk to his room.

I put my underwear and in of Drew's shirts on before brushing my hair and meeting him in the front room. Right then all the memories from last night come rushing back. We had sex and I, gladly yet strangely, don't regret it.

"You look good in my clothes." Drew says walking in with the coffee.

"I look good in everything." I tease him.

"That you do." He say with a smirk.

He hands me my coffee and then pulls up Netflix. That's how our entire day goes. We talk in between and then I decide to bring up last night.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Do you?"

"Yeah. Do you regret doing it?" That's been what's bothering me. I don't know if he regrets it or not. I hope he doesn't.

"Why would I? I love you Chloe. I could never regret something like that. Do you regret it?"

"Oh god no. I was just worried that you would and that you would leave me."

"Chloe look at me. I will never leave you. I love you and I can't live with out you. Do you understand me?"

"Yeah. I love you so much Drew."

"I love you too Chloe."

****So it's been years. Sorry? It's just I kinda forgot then I went out of town then I was lazy then I forgot now here we are! My laptops been broken for two months now and I have no idea when it will be so let's hope soon. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always....




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