Chapter 5

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"Drew. I'm just going to end up hurting you." I say pulling away.

"No. Your not."

"Yes I am. You think I'm perfect and amazing and all that shit but I'm not. Did Royal even tell you why I moved here?" I ask getting mad.

"No she didn't."

"I moved here to get away from everything. All the heartbreak, the fighting, my parents, the suffocating town I lived in. I moved because if I didn't, I'm not sure how much longer I would have been able to take it." I don't have any more energy by the end. I just fall down. I can't even stand. I'm just tired. I'm not like I could sleep tired just emotionally tired.

"Chloe!" Drew exclaims as I fall onto my butt.

"I'm fine. Just, never mind, I'm fine."

"No. Your not. "

"I'm just tired of crying, fighting, and I'm just tired."

"Look, Chloe. I know that your afraid to hurt me and open up, but you have to try right? I'm willing to take the risk of getting hurt, but I would rather get hurt than not try. Wouldn't you?" He asks and I see his point. I'll eventually have to get over Jacob. Not all guys are him.

"Alright. I give it try. It can't be too hard right?"

"Right. And we'll take it slow. Just tell me when your ready to be an official couple."

"Deal." I say but I don't know if I can do it.

"Now can we get back to where we were?"

"But I really want to dr-" I start but Drew cuts me off with a kiss.

"Your done drawing." He says looking me in the eye. God I hate that I can't say no to him.

"Okay." I whisper and we start kissing again.

Once we see that sun went down we go inside to see if there is any food to have as a snack since we already had dinner. We don't see any and he says that he doesn't have any at his place. I huff and suggest going to buy some food.

"I have a better idea." Drew says.

"Care to share?" I ask.

"You'll see. Grab your sketch pad and a pencil, put on your shoes and you might need a jacket."

"Okay?" I say and get my stuff, I also grab my phone and extra art supplies, and we go.

A few subway stops and a taxi ride later we get to the place. He has me close my eyes and he covers my eyes to make sure that I can't see, then leads me the rest of the way to the destinaton. when he uncovers my eyes I'm speachless. I look out over the hill view and see exactly what I was drawing just a billion times better. The buildings are all different colors. There's blues, golds, yellows, reds, oranges, white, black, and some green. All those colors blend together in the sky and water. It's absolutly stunning. I can't beleive that I live in that city. I immediatly pull out my sketch pad out and start drawing what I see. I'm not sure if Drew sees the city like I do or not. Right now I don't care, not as long as I'm drawig anyway. About an hour later I finish and set my stuff down.

"Done!" I say holding up my work.

"Wow, that looks amazing."

"Thanks." I say smiling up at him. I think about how amazing he has been to me since I got here. He's only wanted the best for me and he didn't even know me. That's when I realized that I need to get over Jacob and move on completely in my life.

"Drew?" I say.

"What's up?"

"I think I'm ready to be an official couple."

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