Chapter 9

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"Is something wrong?" Drew asks for the billionth time.

"If you ask me that one more time, something will be!" I laugh.

"Alright! It just seems like somethings wrong."

"Well I'm fine." I insist. There is one question I've been thinking about since yesterday, but I'm not going to ask.

"I'm just saying that you're acting different." He presses.

Lucky for a customer walks into the store. Did I forget to mention we've been at work all day? Oops. Anyway, we have to stop talking about that and help the woman. She says she's here to see the guys from B.O.R.N. I tell Drew to stay up there with the woman while I hunt down the guys.

"Johnathan! JJ! Terry! Brandon! Devon! Kristen! Where are you guys!" I call out walking down the stairs.

"Over here!" I hear JJ call.

I walk over to where I heard them yell and see that they're all just goofing around.

"Stop messing around. There's a woman here to see all of you." I say trying nt to laugh. I don't even want to know what they were trying to do.

"Alright, we're coming." Devin says and they all head upstairs.

I, of course, follow them up and sit back down at the register. Drew walks over and leans against the counter. We laugh as the guys and girls make jokes. Like always Drew and I are brought into the joking. We have a good time, but then sadly, it's time to close up shop.

"So you and Drew?" Kristen says as we clean up the shop.

"What about us?"

"Everyone knows you to are together. So tell me how you two met."

"We met when I got to New York a few months back. He picked me and my friends up from the airport because his cousin, who's my roommate, was working. He had this certain charisma about him that I couldn't ignore, I guess. He was somehow always there when I thought I didn't need anyone. He also can't take no for an answer. It's nothing special."

"You guys so love each other."

"No we don't." I stop and think about it for a minute. "Do we?"

"You so do. What was you're first kiss like?"

"It was after my first day of work. The night before my jerk ex-boyfriend showed up at my door and Drew had come by and helped me get rid of him. So anyway, it was the next night and he come to see me for whatever reason. I had been drawing on the fire escape, and he told me that it was really good. We talked for a little bit when he asked about my ex. So I told him that I had been cheated on about a year prior to moving and Drew got so angry. I calmed him down and we talked a little more. I blurted out that he and I would never work out when he told me to just shut up then he kissed." I explain.

"It took two days for you guys to fall in love!"

"We aren't in love?" I start out strong but then fade to a question.

"Yes you are. You just need to realize it girl." Terry says walking up from behind me.

"Oh god. I promised myself that I would never fall in love ever again."

"You need to let that go. If he had love you he wouldn't haven't broke your heart!" Jonathan says joking us as well.

"I guess. But I'm not sure if I should say it. Like shouldn't the guy say it first?" I question them thinking if the time he almost said it. At least I think he did.

"Not always. And it's impossible not to love you." Devon says from behind me.

"Alright! I'll tell him!" I give. They all sigh in relief and high five.

"How should I do this thing?" I ask. The only person I ever said it to was Jacob and he was the one who said it first.

"Well, you go to the fire escape where you had your first kiss a-" Devon starts.

"No honey. Where was your first date?" Terry questions.

"It was on a hill looking over the skyline. It wasn't an official date, but that's where we became an official couple." I respond.

"Go there, talk, and then say it. Easy yet meaningful." Terry says.

"Thanks for the help guys." I say and we all hug.

They make me and Drew go home saying that they will finish up. I rush him to his place and tell him to get ready. I told him that we were going out, but it's nothing fancy.

I rush to my room and start looking for something to wear. I go for a oversized white knit sweater, black leggings, dark brown knee high boots, and a black fringe purse. I put on a thin long necklace and curl my hair. I let the sweater fall off one shoulder and put all my hair in front of said shoulder.

I rush out of my room after putting my art stuff, phone, charger, and wallet in my purse. When I get into the common room and see Drew sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey. You ready?" I say trying to hide the fact that I'm short of breath.

"Yeah. So where are we going?"

"Well, I thought we could get something to eat then go to place with the perfect view of the skyline."

"Sounds good. Where do you want to go eat?"

"You choose." I say and we head out.

We go to this really good Italian place that I can't pronounce. We talk, laugh, and just relax. After we finish and get dessert, which Drew insisted on. He also insisted on paying for it all. We finally head to the hill. It takes about half an hour when we finally get there.


"Yeah? Is something wrong?"

"No. Not at all. It's just..... I think I might be in love with you. I'm just not sure, you know? The guys at B.O.R.N all think that we are in love, everyone does, even me. I just don't know if you love me or if I really do. I mean I've never felt this way before and I-" I ramble and Drew finally cuts me off.

"I think I love you, too." He says and kisses me.

Thank god! I mean I just put myself on the line and luckily nothing bad happened. I can't believe I said all that! What happens now?

***Hey! So I updated! Anyway it's getting longer! So what did you think about Chloe finally realizing that she loves Drew? As Always.....




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