Chapter 23

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"Oh shit! Daniel call 911 now!" Drew yells and runs over to me.

I see Daniel dial and talk in a very panicked way. I don't know what to do o how to react so I stand there nit moving or saying anything. Just standing.

"Chloe? Chloe, are you alright? Please talk." I hear Drew beg but it just sounds so distant, like an echo.

"I think she's in shock. We have to get her to the hospital. Now." Daniel says.

I feel someone grab my arm and pull on it, signaling for me to walk. I don't move. Eventually, they give up and just carry me down. After we get to the lobby, the person carrying me passes me off to someone else. I'm guessing a paramedic.

After a few minutes, we get to the hospital and they rush me inside. I don't see the big deal. I lost my child and there's no point in getting me here if my baby is already gone. I just don't get why they think that they can fix this.

The weird thing is that while everyone is frantic and a mess, I'm just......numb. I don't feel anything. I should be hysteric but I don't feel anything. It's like I have no emotions. I can't even describe it. I do what the doctors tell me and shake my head when they ask if I'm in pain.

Everyone thinks I'm in shock. Maybe I am. Or maybe I'm just subconsciously pushing the pain and emotion away and into a place the filled with this type of stuff. Either way if I do end up letting the pain, I won't be able to handle it.

"Chloe? The Doctor has news for us. All you have to do is say you want to hear it." Drew says.

"I'll humor you. What's  the news? That my baby's dead? I already knew that."

"Actually,  you're baby is fine. It was close, but we were able to save you're baby boy."

"You mean, I'm going to have a healthy baby boy?" I say and a tear falls down my cheek.

"It looks that way." The Doctor says hen excuses himself from the room.

"Drew, we're going to be parents!" I say through tears.

"Yeah, we are." He says and pulls me into a hug.


I'm finally home after 4 days in the hospital. I got to know Daniel more and he seems like a great guy. I'm glad that he found me.  He's just as excited for the baby as Drew and I are which is great. I love the extra help. I think that everything is going to be great. I just hope that if I decide to have another kid, it's a girl. I think that Drew feels the same way. 

I walk out of my room to see Drew showing Daniel my old sketch book. They must not hear me walk in the room because they both look scared shit-less when I rip the book from their hands.

"What are you doing?" I scold.

"Um.....we were uh......we.........Drew help me out here?" Daniel stutters.

"Well Daniel here wanted to know how good you were at drawing and also wanted to see some so I took out you're sketch book to show him. I'm sorry baby." Drew says calmly while Daniel frantically nods his head in agreement.

"Don't touch my stuff. This is private. Got it?" I question rather harshly.

"Yes ma'am." They mutter and I leave the room to hide my sketch book.

******Hey so I'm sorry that this chapter took like 5 years to post and is short but a lot happened so yeah. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always.......




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