Chapter 22

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"Mom, do I have a twin brother?" I ask.

"What makes you think that?" She asks quickly.

"The fact that there's a guy my age sitting on my couch claiming to be my twin."

"Chloe, honey, listen to me. I wanted to keep both of you I did. But-" mom starts but I interrupt her.

"How could you keep this from me! God mom! I grow up thinking I was an only child when I could have had someone there for me. Someone I could have been close too!" I scream.

"Chloe you need to calm down. It's not good for the baby." Drew says soothingly.

"Don't tell me to calm Drew! You're not the one who had to go through this!" I shout at him.

"Chloe it's not her fault. Sh-" Daniel starts.

"No. Just........don't." I demand and storm out of the apartment.

I try to go to Royal and Aniya, but they're at work. So I go to the next place I can think of, the hill where Drew and I became official.

I don't even know what to think. How can I have a twin? I guess I've always felt like part of me was missing. I can't believe this! I lost two people and now I'm gaining two? This is all just too much.

I head to the subway and, because I'm on the shorter side, am pushed around. I make it to the train and sit down. After a few minutes, I get up and out of the train car. This time on my walk toward the hill some guy pushes into my and I hit a wall. I don't have any cuts and I seem fine so I keep walking.

I get to the hill. I go to grab my phone but then realized that I left it back at the apartment. Since I don't have my phone, I just decide to lay down and look at the sky. I place a hand on my stomach and think about how much my life has changed.

I hear footsteps headed toward me. I panic a little and look around for somewhere to hide. Sadly, I don't see one. Next thing I know there's a hand on my shoulder.

"Get off me!" I yell turning to see the persons face.

"Chloe calm down its just me and Daniel." Drew says.

"How did you find me?" I question. God I swear this boy can find me anywhere.

"It's the only place I knew you would go." He says calmly.

"I could have been in Central Park or in Times Square."

"But you're not."


"Look Chloe, I didn't come here to make small talk. I came here and brought Daniel so that you two could talk."

"Hey, you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to. I just wanted to get to know my sister." Daniel says.

"Alright fine. It seems we're family so I might as well try to get to know you." I give in.

"Okay great!" Daniel exclaims sitting down next to me.

"I'm just going to go walk around. Call me if you need anything." Drew says walking off.

"So, Daniel. You said you were adopted but yet we're twins? Why wasn't I put up for adoption too?"

"I'm not sure. It's something about only being able to support one at the time and they always wanted a girl so they chose to keep you."

"That's horrible. And by the way. You were better off without them."

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm saying that cause it's true. When I turned ten, I started to notice that they would fight a lot more. Then they started to disregard me. They wouldn't know if I was home or not. It was like I didn't exist. When they notice me, they always pointed out my flaws and we would fight. When I moved here to New York, they didn't notice for three months then tried to take me back to Colorado with them. Luckily my friends stopped them." I explain.

"Wow. That's horrible. I guess I was better off. I mean my adoptive parents never really fought and always treated me really good."

"I'm sure they did."

"Wait. If you and our parents always fought then why did you seem so close to them earlier?"

"Well awhile back, a year maybe, our grandparents had to go into the hospital. They weren't doing well. Because they had always been there for me  growing up, I went back home. I stayed with a friend and eventually I got closer to my, I mean our, parents. Then grandpa died and we got closer. A month or two later grandma also died and I stayed home for like three months. I stayed at mom and dads house. Ever since we've been close. Well at least until now."

"God, it must suck to have to go through all that. Plus you being pregnant. It must be really rough."

"Well I wasn't pregnant at the time of their deaths. I got through that then Drew got me knocked up."

"How long have you been in New York?"

"About a year and six months I think"

(A/n yes people I think that's how long they've been in New York. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)


"Yeah. So enough about me. Tell me about you."

"Well there's not much to tell. I grew up in Chicago, so quite far from Colorado. My family and friends there were always great and they all seem to care about me so that's good. I'm in college to become a photographer and I have a break so I came here to meet you."

"That sounds awesome! I was going to go to NYU but never got the chance because I stopped doing what I would have gone for."

"What would that be?"


"Why did you stop?"

"Because the people who supported me most and were the reason I stared died and along with them a part of me died too."

"Chloe, I may not knew you very well, but I do know that if you really love something and are good at you shouldn't stop no matter what happens."

"Look I stopped drawing about a month ago. My heart just wasn't in it anymore. I packed up all my art stuff because u couldn't even look at it anymore. I'm probably not even good at it anymore."

"If you were ever good, then you wouldn't ever stop being good at it."

"Maybe you're right. But I'm not willing to find out. Let's just go back. I'm getting cold."

I call over to Drew and he comes over in about ten seconds. We all head back and sit on the couch. I get up to go to the bathroom, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and when I look down, I see blood.

"Drew!" I scream.

***Don't kill me please! I'm sorry that I did this and I won't tell you what happens to the baby. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As always....




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