Chapter 8

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"Hold on. She's 18 and can choose what she wants to do. She's staying here. I don't care if you're her parents, you can't take her!" Drew tells my parents.

"She is my daughter and I will take her home if I want to." Says mom.

"No, you won't. I'm staying here. You can't make me leave. I have a job a I'm happy for once." I tell them.

"You just think you're happy. Come home and you'll really be happy." Dad tries to convince me.

"No. I'm not leaving here. I love New York and all of my friends who are here with me." I try to keep calm but my voice comes out louder than I wanted.

"Chloe get your bags now!" Mom yells.

"What's going on?" Ashley and Aniya ask walking in.

"My parents are trying to take me home." I tell them trowing my hands into the air.

"You can't take her home! She's been here for like three months!" Ashley exclaims.

"Three months!" Mom screams.

"Yes. Three months and you've just noticed! Shows how much you care abut me. I could've been dead in my room and you wouldn't know it!" I scream back and run to my room.

I hear more yelling and then a door slam shut. I started crying once I got into my room. I hear footsteps getting closer and closer to my door then it opens.

"Chlo are you alright? We got your parents to leave. Ashley had to go home. Not here home, but back to Colorado, home. I'm sorry. I had no idea." Royal says.

"Why did Ashley have to go home?" I ask trying not to think bout my parents.

"Her parents called and said her grandpa is in the hospital. She packed everything and left with your parents. I'm not sure if she'll be coming back." Royal continues to explain.

"Can you please tell Drew that I'm okay and he can go home?"

"Of course. I'll tell him you need to sleep."

"Thanks." I say and drift off.


I wake up start my routine. I shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, blah blah blah. I don't know what happened. Everything was going so good now my parents come into the picture and mess it all up. I don't understand! Why me?

"Chloe? Are you alright?" I hear Drew ask from outside my room.

"Yeah. Just peachy." I reply not bothering to get up or even move.

"You've been in your room for hours. Get up please. We can talk about this." He tries to reason.

"There is nothing to talk about I'm fine!" I shout.

"No you're not. Let me in so I can help you. I lo-.... I really like you Chloe. Please just let me in."

Did he almost say he loves me? Oh shit! That can't be right. Not after he's seen my parents or after he got to know me. Fuck my life!

"Come in." I hear myself say. Well, now I'm screwed.

"What's wrong babe?" He asks sitting next to me.

"It's nothing. Don't worry Drew."

"I'll always worry about you. Now tell me what's wrong so I can worry less."

"It's my parents. It's just that everything was going great until they showed up. Now everything fucked up and it's all because of me. You would have been better off without me." I say not able to look at him.

"That's not true. I wouldn't want anyone but you in my life. I-I...don't know what I would do without you Chloe."

"I do. You would be living your life like before I showed up. So would I. I might've even gotten back together with Jacob. We know exactly where we would be and how our lives would be. We just can't image life without each other from this point on. That's all."

"Point taken. I just know that I wouldn't be as happy as I am right now with you. So let's not think about that. Nothing is ruined. Nothing can ruin this. Trust me Chloe. Everything is going to be fine."

I don't know why, but I believe him. I finally meet his eyes. We stare at each other for a minute then kiss. Not a slow kiss, but a heated, lustful kiss. We deepen the kiss farther.

In this moment nothing can touch us. It's just him and me. I can't seem to shake the feeling that with him, everything is going to be alright.

There's always butterflies in my stomach when he's around. There's electricity when we touch, and this overall longing for him every second of everyday. It's like I can't get enough of him no matter what.

It can't be love, can it? No. it's not love. Love doesn't exist. But what if it does? What if I am in love?

*******Hey! So long time no see. I was just lazy and had writers block for a bit. It's not too bad though. I'm going to try and get my normal longer chapters back now that I'm on summer break. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always....




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