Chapter 4

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 We lean in and...

"Where the hell did you take her Drew?!?" Royal yells swiging the door open.

"Just showed her around since you were out. I guess we just lost track of time." Drew answers.

"Royal, it's my fault. I told him i ha never been here before and asked for a tour." I lied.

"Your lucky I love you both." She says pulling me into a hug.

"That's my shirt!" I hear Ashley yell.

"But it was in my suitcase!" Aniya yells back.

"That's my suitcase!" Ashley retorts.

"They were like this when I got home." Royal says.

"I should go. See ya Chloe." Drew says.

"Bye." I say with a small smile.

"What about your cousin?" Royal asks pretending to be offended.

"Oh yeah. Bye cuz." Drew says and walk off with one last wave.

"That boy is so rude." Royal says.

"I think he's kinda sweet." I retort.

"Your not falling for my cousin, are you?"

"No. I just don't think he's rude. That's all. I don't belive in love anyway." I say and walk inside.

"You have to belive in love. Everybody does."

"Well I don't." I say grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

"Yes you do. Your just afraid because of Jacob!" Royal argues. That strikes a nerve.

"I don't love him! He proved to me that love doesn't exsit. If I could take back all the days I spent with him I would. You don't have the right to bring up my past, Royal!" I scream and run to my room.

Ash and Aniya finally worked ot whose stuff is whose. They all know to give me my space when I'm upset, even Royal. Since my room is by the fire escape, I go and sit on it. I see one across from me and wonder if anyone has ever sat on it like I am right now. My question is put to rest by the window opening and someone stepping out onto it. I can't quiet make out any features about them. All I can see is that they are tall, at least taller than me. They have broad shoulders and their waist is smaller than a girls, so mystery person is a guy. He sits down after closing the window and that's when he ses me and just enough light hits him that I can see who it is. I feel my jaw hit the ground, it's Drew.

"Hey Chloe."

"Hi. What are you doing out here? And how did you know I was out here?"

"First of all, I come out here to think, and second I didn't know you where out here."

"I thought you lived across the hall?"

"I never said that. I said I live across from Royal. This is across."

"Oh. Whatever. I'm going back inside."


"I'm not in the mood for company." I say standing up.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. I just want to be alone."

"Did I do something?"

"No. Now can you just leave me alone." I snap and go back inside.

I blast my music and start to unpack. I make my bed, set up my dresser and nightstand. Finally I hear a knock on the front door. I figure that it can't it can't be that late and at least one peson is up. Then the person knocks again and I realize that I'm the only one awake. I look at my phone and see that it's 1:30 a.m. I sigh and go to open the door.

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