Part 1

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Today is the day i am heading back to my hometown, Portland Oregon. I moved to LA after high school to study photography. My family stayed in Portland after i moved, my twin sister, Lindsay, also stayed in Portland after she graduated to take a gap year.

I am finishing packing my bags when an old photo falls out of my bag. When i go to grab it off the floor i realize that it is a picture of me and my bestfriend from high school who was also my neighbor. Daniel Seavey. We haven't talked in a while because i moved away but he also stayed in Portland. I wonder if I will see him while I am home.

I quickly put the picture in my bag and head out the door with all my stuff. I put it in my car and begin my road trip back home. I turn on my car playlist and I Miss Myself by HRVY comes on which I always have to sing along to.
*Time skip a few hours*
I am almost to my parents house and I am so excited to see them for the first time in a while. I pull into the driveway and I see my mom run outside and over to the car.

M: Y/N!
Y/n: MOM!
M: I missed you so much sweetie, how have you been?
Y/n: Good how about we go inside first then we can talk more.
M: Oh, right. Of course

*Inside the house*
L: Y/n I missed you so much! Why haven't you been texting me recently?
Y/n: I know I haven't been really social lately. I was just busy with school.
L: How long are you here for?
Y/n: Two weeks and I hope to spend a lot of time with you.
L: I'm looking forward to it. Let me help you bring your bags upstairs.

Y/n: So where's dad?
L: He has been working a lot lately, we tried to convince him to take time off these next two weeks, but he said that he couldn't.
Y/n: Oh, hopefully I get to see him soon.
I get up and walk over to my window and look out seeing Daniels window right across from mine bringing back old memories.
L: Have you talked to Daniel at all when you were at school? He used to come around to visit with us when you first moved, but then he randomly stopped.
Y/n: I was busy with keeping my grades up and met so many new friends that I didn't have the time to talk with him. I doubt he still considers me his friend.
L: You should go over and visit with him and his family. I know Anna misses you. We still hang out and wish that you were there with us.
Y/n: I don't know if I should go over there. Cant we just invite Anna over here?
L: What's the big deal with going over there?
Y/n: What if I run into Daniel. What am I supposed to say to him after a year?
L: You guys were literally joined at the hip. That's how close you guys were I'm sure the conversation will come naturally.
Y/n: Your right I shouldn't be so worried over this. Tell mom I will be back in a couple hours and that I'm at Annas.
L: Ok have fun!

I walk downstairs and out the front door. I am still nervous that I wont know what to say or talk about, but we will see what happens. I walk up to the Seavey's front door and begin knocking. I take a step back and turn around to look at the other houses since it was taking a while for someone to answer the door.
??: Hello, can I help you?

My Best Friend//D.S.Where stories live. Discover now