Part 10

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We arrived at the mall and parked. We walked inside and went to Lindsay's favorite store first. I looked around until I found something I liked, then tried it on. I am not that big of a shopper, but I am willing to go as long as I can spend time with Lindsay.
L: What do you think of these jeans?
Y/n: I think they look good. You should get them.
She looks at me and rolls her eyes.
L: This is why I need Anna to come shopping with us. She always gives a helpful opinion instead if saying that everything looks good.
Y/n: Sorry, but I seriously think they look good on you.

We walk to my favorite store and I spend a lit of money there. Lindsay spent almost twice the amount that I spent while shopping.
L: I'm hungry can we go get food?
Y/n: Sure, lets go.
We walk to the food court, grab some food, and sit down at a table to eat.
L: So what are your plans tomorrow?
Y/n: Well I am going to hang out with Daniel. Not sure what we are going to do yet though.
L: Are you sure you don't like Daniel as more than a friend.
Y/n: We just got done talking about this. Are you seriously gonna bring it up again?
L: Sorry, but I am not going to stop until you give me an answer.
Y/n: Well I don't so you can stop asking.
L: I mean an actual answer where you actually mean it. I know you do and I'm not gonna stop until you realize it too.
Y/n: Ugh, whatever lets just go home.

We were walking through the mall back to the door we entered when we first arrived. I was turning a corner when I bumped into someone.
Y/n: Oh, I'm so sor-
??: Y/n?
My eyes widen, I  recognize that voice. I look up and cannot believe my eyes. It was Parker.... my ex.

When we were dating, I really lived being with him. Daniel was still my bestie, but he did not have a good feeling about Parker. He said that he feels like I was going to get hurt. I just thought that he was jealous that he didn't have a girlfriend yet. Turns out he was right. I walked in on Parker making out with another girl. He admitted to only dating me for my body and was secretly dating the girl he was with for months before I found out. It completely broke me and I have not dated anyone since because I feel like I cant trust anyone. Just seeing his face again brought back bad memories.

Y/n: What are you doing here?
P: I could ask you the same thing sweetheart.
Y/n: Don't fucking call me that. I have to go, watch where you are going too.
He grabs my wrist and pulls me back before I could walk away.
L: Let go of her.
Y/n: Let go you phsyco.
P: I know you want me back. I ditched that other random chick, she was so clingy and forced me to date her while I was dating you.
Y/n: You really think I'm going to believe that?
P: Of course you would, because you want me back.
Y/n: I will never come back to you. You are a bitch who uses people. I know you never actually loved me.
I walked away as quick as I could as I felt my eyes tear up and a few tears slip down my cheeks.
L: Stay the hell away from her.
P: She will be back in no time.

I run out to the car as Lindsay runs up to me and pulls me into a hug. I just start crying even more. All the bad memories of Parker come back and it is all I can think about.
L: You okay?
Y/n: Can we just go home?
L: Of course, lets go.

Lindsay drives us home as I look out the window the whole drive trying to stop the tears from falling out of my eyes. We get home and I run up to my room and jump underneath the covers on my bed then start to cry even more. Lindsay comes in my room and sits on my bed five minutes later.

L:Heyy its okay Y/n, I'm here.
Y/n: Why did he have to show up. It was a great day until that.
L: I know, he was a dick to you and you are so much better than him.
Y/n: This is why I don't want to date anyone ever again. I never want to feel like this again.
L: Hey don't compare him to other people. There is someone out there for you, okay.
Y/n: Okay, can you leave me alone for a little bit.
L: Yeah, sure

A couple hours go by and it is now dinner time. I don't feel like getting up and getting food so I just stay in bed staring at my ceiling. Then i hear someone open my door.
??: I brought food, you hungry?

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