Part 2

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??: Hello, can I help you?
I heard the familiar voice of the one person I didn't want to run into.
Y/n: Daniel?
I ask as I slowly turn around and look up into his ocean blue eyes.
D: Y/n. What are you doing back here aren't you supposed to be in LA?
Y/n: I'm visiting my family for the next few weeks.
D: Oh, so what are you doing here?
Y/n: I am um.... I'm here to see Anna.
D: She will be home in a few minutes, you can come inside and wait if you want.
Y/n: uh, yeah sure
I walk past him into the door and i really wish Anna was here. I didn't expect to run into Daniel while i was here, but of course it happened. We don't act how we used to act towards each other so it is so weird. Anna better hurry up and come home. I walk into the living room and see Keri on the couch typing on her computer.
K: Y/n! How have you been? Its been a long time since I've seen you.
Y/n: Hey Keri! I'm home visiting family for a little while.
K: Well its great to see you again. I have to run to the store but ill talk to you later.
Y/n: Alright, bye Keri.
Keri leaves and now it is just Daniel and I left in the living room there is an awkward silence and i feel like i should say something but I don't know what to talk about. I look over at Daniel and see how much he has changed. He looks so much older and he has bleach blonde hair now instead of his brown hair. The blond hair brings out his ocean blue eyes more than the brown hair. While i am looking at how much he has changed, he looks up and locks eyes with me. I quickly look away knowing that I was caught staring. My face also starts to turn red.
D: What were you looking at? He asks jokingly.
Y/n: Oh, I was uh- I uh.
I didn't know what to say, but I know that my face is bright red right now.
Y/n: I um was just noticing how much you um changed.
I finally was able to say.
D: That's what happens when you don't see or talk to someone in forever.
Y/n: Right. Also I'm sorry that we haven't talked in forever I was just really busy.
D: I get that, but I thought you could at least make time for your own friend.
Y/n: If you are willing to, we can start over and act like me leaving never happened. I would like to be your friend again.
D: Do you really think it is that easy to forgive you. For all I know when you go back to LA soon you could forget about me again.
He gets up and walks upstairs to his room I'm guessing which just leaves me in the living room. How could I have been so stupid. I ruined a friendship that I really cared about while I was gone. After another 5 minutes of sitting on the couch I hear the front door open and I see Anna walk in which a bunch of shopping bags.
A: Y/n!
She drops all her bags as she runs up to me pulling me in a hug.
Y/n: Hey! I missed you too.
A: What are you doing here?
Y/n: I figured that I would come and visit with you for a little while.
A: I'm so excited. Sorry I wasn't home sooner as you can see I've been shopping a lot.
Y/n: Yeah, so what did you get?
A: Come upstairs and I will show you everything.
We walk upstairs and as I am walking to Annas room I hear singing coming from Daniels room. Wait he can sing?! His voice is amazing, I guess people do change quickly. I must have stopped and stared at his closed door for too long because Anna noticed.
A: After he was out of contact with you he started singing and writing. It was a talent he never told anyone, but finally wanted to put it to use.
I just nod and walk into Annas room shutting the door behind us.
D: Does sing in public or is it just a hidden talent.
A: He is working on forming a band called Why Don't We with 4 other guys from different places in the country. They are going to move to LA soon to pursue their dreams.
Y/n: Wait he's moving to LA? Why didn't he say anything to me? I literally asked if we could have a fresh start to become friends again, but he said that I would go back to LA and forget about him.
A: He hasn't really told anyone, besides maybe he wants to focus on music.
Y/n: Cause being in the music business means that you cant have best friends that aren't famous too.
I say sarcastically.
A: Hey, its okay. Just relax and I will try on and show you all the clothes I just got.
Y/n: Thanks, I needed this!

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