Part 13

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We arrive back at Daniel's house and we both get out of the car.
Y/n: I have to go get ready for dinner before Anna yells at me from her window or something.
D: Yeah, she probably would do that too.
Y/n: See you soon.
I turn to leave, then I feel Daniel grab my wrist and pull me into a hug. We stayed like this for a couple minutes, then he pulled away and I made contact with his beautiful ocean blue eyes. He leaned down and kissed me on my cheek.
D: See you soon.

Daniel turned and walked inside as I just stood in his driveway in shock from the moment we just shared. For a second I thought he was going to kiss me, more than just on the cheek. Does this mean he likes me? I stood there drowning in my thoughts when I heard a window open.

A: Why are you just standing there. You have 40 minutes to get ready.
I look up at Anna and smile.
Y/n: I'm going, I'm going
I knew she was going to yell out her window. She hates when people are late to things. Its like one of her biggest pet peeves. I then walk over to my house and walk inside the front door.

*Daniels POV*
After I kiss Y/n on the cheek, I walk inside not even sure what just happened between us. I walked upstairs and flopped down on my bed. It was like I wasn't even controlling my body and that just happened on its own. I guess I really am falling harder for her after every minute I spend with her. I wish we had more time at the zoo because I was having so much fun and it was a good way to clear my mind from other stressful thoughts. In other words basically thoughts about how she would go back to school in LA and forget about me again. Also how she might never feel the same way for me that I feel for her. Its complicated, but I need a distraction. I heard Anna yell out her window which means Y/n was still standing there for a little bit after I left her standing there. I wonder why she was waiting there for so long.

I soon push those thoughts aside and do what I can now do best. Put my feelings into a song. Basically all the songs I write are about my current feelings. That's what the guys I am starting a band with like most about me. I am good at writing songs that have to do with the moment we are currently in.

*Y/n's POV*
I walk up to my room and flop down on my bed. I know I should be getting ready but I am still processing how I feel after what happened. As I replay it in my mind I continue to get butterflies. I look out my window and see Daniel playing his guitar as he writes things down. I see him doing this often, yet I haven't heard one of his songs yet. I wonder when I will get to heat one. I have heard him sing covers, but nothing that is original and made by him.

I decide to get ready. We are going to a kind of casual place for dinner, so I put on a white and pink body suit with a blue denim skirt. I find some white sandals that go nice with it and put them on as well. Next I curl my hair a little. Just to add a little wave to my hair. I add some light makeup then head downstairs to meet my sister at the door.
L: You ready?
Y/n: Yep, lets go!
We drive the car next door and stop at the end of Anna's driveway and honk the horn so she knows that we are waiting on her. We wait another couple minutes then honk it again. She finally walks out of the house and gets into the backseat of the car.
Y/n: And you thought I was going to be late.
A: I know, sorry I decided to change my outfit up a little last second.
Y/n: We it looks hella good on you!
A: Thanks yours too.

We soon arrive at *whatever restaurant you want* and we get to a table. We each order our drinks followed by our food then start talking.
A: So I know I haven't told you yet Lindsay and I'm sorry that I haven't told you yet, but I went on a date recently.
A: Whoa, quiet down now the whole restaurant knows.
L: Sorry.
I smile at Lindsay because I am really impressed at how good her acting skills were since I already told her.
A: It was amazing, I really like the guy and we are going on a second date soon which I am looking forward to.
L: Really? That so cute. I'm so happy for you!
A: Thanks I am really happy. What about you guys? Seeing anyone special.
When she said that I felt my cheeks heat up as I was thinking about what happened earlier. I tried to stop me from blushing, but it was too late my cheeks were already pink.
A: Y/n you are totally hiding something. Who is the guy?
I sit there frozen wondering if I should make an excuse or tell her that I have feelings for her brother.

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