Part 12

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*Y/n's POV*
I walk over to Daniels house after I am completely finished getting ready. I walk up to his room and see Christian in there too.
Y/n: Hey Christian!
C: Hey Y/n/n
D: You ready to go now?
Y/n: Yeah, is what I am wearing okay?
D: Yes, you look beautiful.
I blush a little then walk downstairs.
A: Hey Y/n.
Y/n: Hey Anna
A: We are going to dinner tonight with Linds. She's driving, so don't be late.
Y/n: Alright, I will see you then.

Daniel and I walk out the door and to his car.
Y/n: The aquarium
D: What?
Y/n: That's where we are going isn't it.
D: Wow, you actually did not guess right.
He teases me more as I continue to think about where we are going. I keep trying to guess, but eventually Daniel puts on music probably to stop me from guessing since I will never get it right.

We go down a road that I recognize.
D: We are almost there.
I try to think of what is on this road, then I think of it. A few seconds later we turn into a parking lot. He is taking me to the Portland Zoo.
Y/n: The zoo! How did I not guess that?
D: I honestly thought you would have guessed it before we got here too.

Daniel parked the car and turn toward me and smiled.
D: Just like old times.
I return a smile to him, then lean over to his seat and hug him. We stay like this for a minute, both of us not wanting to pull away. I felt safe with him. We got out of the car and walked to the entrance. I offered to pay, but Daniel insisted on paying so I let him. We walked through the front gates once we payed and I looked around bringing back all the good memories of when Daniel used to bring me here all the time.

D: Where do you want to go first?
Y/n: Hmm....
I look at Daniel before I start laughing
Y/n: The giraffes
Daniel looked at me as a was laughing.
D: hahaha, so funny.
He says that with a serious face as I am still dying with laughter. We make our way to the giraffes and I pay to get food so we could feed them.
Y/n: Aww they look just like you too.
D: Not the giraffe jokes.
Y/n: But seriously, you neck is just as long as theirs.
D: That's it.
He chases after me as I start running away from him. He catches up to me and puts his arms around my waist from behind me and picks me up.
Y/n: LET ME GO!!
D: Not until you promise you will stop with the giraffe jokes.
Y/n: Never.
He continues to pick me up more.
Y/n: Okay, okay. Fine I promise.
He finally put me down. 

We continue to walk around and see the rest of the animals at the zoo. My favorites to see are the monkeys and the elephants. Those are ones that we also get to feed and they are so cool to me. Its getting late and we have been there for a while when I heard my phone ring. It was a text from Anna.


Hey, are you heading
back yet? I noticed
you guys aren't back
and you need time
to get ready.

                                                                       Sorry, I lost track of
                                                                       time. We are leaving
                                                                       right now.                                                                                                                                                                           

Okay, you better                                                                                                                                                                        not be late

                                                                         Don't worry, I wont
                                                                          See you soon

Y/n: We have to head back home now.
D: Already? Cant we stay a little longer?
Y/n: I wish, but I am going to dinner tonight with Anna and Lindsay.
D: You can be a little late though. Just a little more time here?
Y/n: I technically already am late, so we have to go now. We can come back another day though.
D: Ok, at least we can jam out to your playlist on the ride home.

We walk out to the car and i turn on my playlist just as Daniel wanted. Then we start the drive back home.

(Sorry its kind of a short chapter)

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