Part 27

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I walk close to him, then see a nice setup on the beach. Some blankets so we can watch the sunset. I get closer to him and smile. He takes my hands before he starts speaking.

D: Y/n, you have been my bestfriend for so many years, since we were so young and before we were in grade school. We helped eachother through tough times and enjoyed the good times. Even though we grew apart when you moved away, we found our way back to eachother. You are one of my bestfriends and I was hoping to make you more than one of my best friends. Will you be my girlfriend?

I stand there frozen and at a loss of words. He looks so happy while asking me. I have tears in my eyes because this is all I have ever wanted. I have had a crush on him for so long and we are finally becoming official instead of sneaking around like we were. I look over at my mom who had tears in her eyes with a smile on her face and she nods her head at me.

I look back at Dani as he is waiting for an answer.
Y/n: I- I would love to!
I say then I lean in and kiss him. Our families both start cheering, then when we come out of the kiss we all have a big group hug before they all leave to a different part of the beach to take pictures.

(I know this is a bit much for him just asking Y/n to be his girlfriend. I'm sorry it sounds like a proposal, but its not.)

D: Now what do you think about watching the sunset with me as my girlfriend?
I smile when he says girlfriend.
Y/n: I would love to, but after I still want to get our pictures.
D: You got it.
We lay down on the sand and I cuddle into Dani's side as he puts his arm around my waist.

After the sun sets, we get up and and take a few pictures. I called Anna and Lindsay to see if they wanted to come take pictures with me too. They also helped take pictures of me and Dani since we were official and he was my boyfriend. Now it was time to sleep cause it has been an exhausting day.

We are now in the tent going to bed and we both cuddle on the air matress. Dani is playing with my hair as I just lay there with my arms around his waist.

Y/n: Good night boyfriend!
D: Good night girlfriend!
I liked the sound of that. I cant wait to see what the future holds for us.

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