Part 24

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I walked out to the car and got in the backseat while Anna was in the front seat and Lindsay was driving.
A: Are you and Daniel dating?
Y/n: Hello to you too.
A: sorry. Hi, how are you? Are you and Daniel finally together?
Y/n: Yes and no.
L: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Y/n: Well he asked me earlier, but I said no.
A: Im so confused I thought you liked him.
L: It didnt look like you said no to me.
Y/n: We were talking about what we were and mid conversation he asked me, but I said that I wanted something better than that.
L: Ah, yes we all know how much Y/n likes her romantic gesture.
Y/n: Hey, dont be making fun of me for it. You would do the same thing if you were in that situation.
L: Yeah your right.
A: I think you made the right decision. Someone needs to teach that boy how to be a gentleman.
Lindsay and i laughed at that comment. We all talked for the rest of the ride to the restaurant.

*Time skip 1 week*

It is now evening and i am packing for a camping trip we are going on. Its a trip we used to take all the time, but never do anymore. Its usually between my family and Daniel's family and we go for 3 days. My dad still hasnt come home yet and he still hasnt called or texted since I reached out to him.

Daniel still has not officially asked me to be his girlfriend although we still act like we are a couple. When we go, Anna and Lindsay will share a tent, Daniel and I, Keri and Jeff, then my mom will be by herself since my dad couldn't make it. Christian will also be by himself in a tent.

I am almost all packed when Daniel ran into my room and jumped on my bed. He messed up all the clothes I was packing when he did that. I punched his shoulder as he layed there on his stomach.
Y/n: Now i have to refold everything.
D: Just throw it in a bag, it will be fine.
Y/n: I like to be organized unlike you.
D: Fine, whatever.
We both laugh then Daniel talks to me as I repack my clothes.

I finish packing and go into the bathroom to finish packing some things I need for when we leave tomorrow. Daniel was staying the night at his parents house so he didn't have to drive here from his apartment in the morning.

D: Im gonna head out I'm tired and should probably get some sleep.
Y/n: Wait your leaving me?
I say in a baby voice making him look sad to leave me.
D: Im sorry, but I have to go.
He wraps his arms around my waist as i look into his eyes making a sad face since I didn't want him to leave.
Y/n: Or you can stay here with me instead. I will be cold if you don't stay here.
Daniel smiles a little before giving in and deciding to stay with me. We walked over to my bed.
Y/n: Do you have an extra sweatshirt for me to wear.
D: Mine are packed for the trip, but you can have this one.
He takes off the sweatshirt he is wearing and hands it to me. It smells just like him which i love. I put it on then realize that he didnt have a shirt on underneath it, so he is left without a shirt on and I am sneaking glances at his abs without him noticing. I cuddle up next to Daniel as he wraps his atms around me and kisses my cheek several times before saying good night. I lay my head on his chest as I start to fall asleep.

*Daniels POV*
I took off my sweatshirt for Y/n because I wanted to make her happy by giving her one of my sweatshirts to sleep in. I didn't have a shirt on ubderneath it, but i didn't really care. I pretended not to notice Y/n glancing at my shirtless body a bunch of times and laughed to myself from how discrete she thought she was being. I pulled her close to me as I felt her head lay on my chest. Soon her breathing became heavy making it clear that she was asleep. I can't wait for the camping trip coming up soon. Little does she know I got some big plans for this trip. I hope everything will go as planned. I fall asleep with a smile on my face as I was thinking about Y/n. One day she will be mine, just wait.

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