Part 17

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The pizza arrived and we all sat down on the floor to eat it. All Daniel had was the stuff from his room because he moved out unexpectedly.
Y/n: You really need a table and chairs
D: Yeah, I know I need furniture in general.
We all laughed and continued eating.

Once we finished Keri and Jeff left to go home and then it was just Daniel, Anna, Lindsay and I left. Anna and Lindsay stayed for a little bit to help unpack somethings, but they soon left. Daniel and I were able to unpack all his stuff he had, but his apartment was basically empty.
Y/n: Tomorrow we are going shopping for more stuff cause you need more.
D: Yeah, I agree it feels so empty in here.
Y/n: You don't even have a fridge or any food so that will probably be our first priority.
D: Yeah I honestly don't really know why I moved out so quickly. I should have waited until I bought some things.
Y/n: You think
I said that while laughing.
D: Want to watch a movie or do you need me to drive you home?
Y/n: I'm game to watch a movie.
D: Alright

We walk into Daniels room and we both get under the blankets. I snuggle up to him and we turn on the tv. Daniel picks out a movie and we watch it. Surprisingly we both stayed awake for the whole thing. After it ended, it was midnight.
D: Do you need me to drive you home right now? You can stay the night if you want.
Y/n: Yeah, I will just stay the night if you don't mind.
D: Okay, here's a hoodie you can wear if you want.
Y/n: Thanks

I walk out of the bathroom after changing into the hoodie and see a bed made on the floor and Daniel was about to lay down on it.
Y/n: You don't have to sleep on the floor.
D: Well I don't really have anywhere else to sleep since I don't even have a couch.
Y/n: I mean this is your bed so you are sleeping here with me.
D: If its okay with you.
Y/n: Its not like we haven't slept in the same bed before.
D: True
I once again cuddle up to Daniel in the bed and we both drift off to sleep after a long day of moving Daniel into hos apartment.

I wake up the next morning and Daniel is still asleep. I just lay there with my arms around him and play with his hair a little until he wakes up.
D: Good morning
He says this with a raspy voice.
Y/n: Good morning
We both lay there for a few minutes before we both get out of bed.
D: I'm going to go out and get some breakfast for us since there is no food here.
Y/n: Good, cause I'm so hungry.

*Daniel's POV*
I leave my apartment and drive to the nearest Starbucks to get some coffees and some donuts. I for some reason feel like I should make my move today. I think I should ask Y/n out not as friends, but on a date. I always chicken out last second and never end up asking her out. Today i feel confident enough to do it. We will see where today leads.

*Y/n's POV*
While Daniel was gone, I figured I better shower since we were shopping later. I went to his room and grabbed another hoodie and put back on the shorts I had on yesterday. I am laying on his bed scrolling through Instagram when he walks in with my coffee and donuts. He doesn't like coffee, but he always remembers to get me one. He brings the food into his room and we both sit on the bed.
D: Is that my hoodie?
Y/n: Yeah, I hope you don't mind
D: It looks cute on you.
I blush a little at his words, but try to hide it. It was too late because he starts laughing at me since I was blushing.
Y/n: Shut up dork

We are now on the way to the store to get some furniture for his apartment since he really needs it. We already ordered a bunch of stuff online, but some things we needed to get in person. From how much I am helping out with all the decor and furniture, you would think that I am also living in his apartment. Daniel is just not very good with picking out furniture that matches, so he always asks me for my opinion. I have my arm resting on the center council when I feel Daniels hand brush past my hand which sent a wave of chills down my spine.

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