Part 26

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*Y/n's POV*
I was about to turn around to leave the tent and go help Anna and Lindsay set up their tent. Before I could turn strong arms grabbed my waist again like they did earlier. Dani loved messing with me like that. He spun me around so I was facing him, then pushed me down on the bed and then started tickling me. I was almost screaming cause I was laughing so much and it was so loud.

A: Hey guys you know we can hear you right?
L: I don't know what you are doing in there and I am scared to know, but just remember we can hear everything.
A: Just don't do anything that involves any kind of noise tonight. If you get where I'm going.
Y/n: Anna! What the hell are you talking about?
A: You know what I mean.
Y/n: Just stop girl.
A: Okay, fine just stop whatever your doing in there and come help us.
Y/n: Tell your brother to stop tickling me then I can.
A: TMI Y/n, gross.
I let out a laugh then get up from the bed with Dani behind me to help them with their tent.

*Daniels POV*
While Y/n is helping with the last tent, I go over to where my parents, Y/n's mom and Christian are standing.
K: Hey, hows it going?
D: Good, I just wanted to remind you guys that I am asking her tonight around the time the sunsets.
J: I'm proud of you son, she will definitly say yes!
M: I'm glad you are doing this. You make her so happy and she needs someone who is there for her, especially with her own father not being in her life that much.
D: I'm glad I make her so happy.

In case your wondering what this whole conversation was about, I am planning on asking Y/n to be my girlfriend tonight during the sunset. I can't go any longer without asking her. I wanted to wait until tomorrow night, but I cant go any longer without calling her mine. Anna and Lindsay also know what is going on and they will help get Y/n down to the lake when it is time. I just hope she says yes!

*Y/n's POV*
I look over to see Dani having a private conversation with the parents and Christian. My mom keeps looking over at me and smiling. She looks happy, I havent seen her as happy as she is now in a while because of everything going on with my dad. Im happy that she is so happy. I am still wondering what is going on because now everyone keeps looking at me and smiling.
Y/n: Hey, is there something going on that I should know about?
A: What, no why would you say that?
Y/n: Everyone keeps looking at me and I feel like you guys are hiding something from me.
L: Hey, listen if we were supposed to keep something a secret, you would have known by now cause we cant keep secrets to save our lives.
Y/n: That is true. I guess I will just let it go then.

The rest of the day was really enjoyable becuase we went hiking on different trails through the campground. We also went and checked out the beach area on the lake which is really pretty.
Y/n: Hey guys, this would be a beautiful place to take pictures later when the sunsets.
A: your right, we should come back when the sunsets and wear the cute outfits we packed for taking pictures in!
L: Im in!

The sun has almost set and Anna told me to change into the cute outfit we brought and I grab my phone for pictures. Anna and Lindsay also changed into their outfits and we were ready to head to the beach area.
Y/n: Wheres Dani, Christian and the parents?
L: They must have went for a walk or something.
A: We can find them later
Y/n: Okay, lets go I'm excited.
A: Wait, Y/n give me your phone so I can get a cute video of you walking infront of me down to the beach.
Y/n: Great idea!

We are walking down to the beach and i see the sunset that is beautiful, but I also see what looks like Dani on the beach in some nice clothes with Christian and the parents around him. I have a weird feeling about this.

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