Part 6

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We arrive back at Daniels house and we are just sitting in the car right now.
Y/n: I had so much fun today
D: Yeah, just like old times. Its good to have my bestfriend back.
Y/n: Yes it is. I should probably head back over to my house.
D: Okay, bye.

I walk back over to my house and walk in the front door. I see my mom on the couch watching tv.
Y/n: Hey mom
She looks up at me with a sad expression seems really upset. She tries to act happy when she sees me.
M: Hey, how was lunch?
Y/n: It was amazing. Did um, d-did dad leave for his trip already?
M: I'm sorry honey, I tried to get him to stay but he insisted he needed to go to keep his job.
Y/n: Its fine, I will get over it. Are you guys okay though?
M: Yeah, we are good for now.
Y/n: Okay. Let me know if you need to talk about it. I will be happy to listen.

I walk upstairs and into Lindsay's room. She must be out with friends or something cause I don't see her. I then walk back to my room and sit down on the hanging chair I have by my window. I just sit there and look out the window. After a few minutes I look in Daniel's window and see him playing his guitar and looks like he is singing too. I just smile at seeing how passionate he is for music. He sees me looking and smiles at me. My phone starts ringing and i see he is trying to facetime me. I answer.
Y/n: Hey Dani
D: Hey what are you up to.
Y/n: just watching you play the guitar from the window. Nit that I'm a creep.
D: *gasps* That's something a creep would do.
We both start laughing and talk for a while longer until he has to go. I chill in my room the rest of the night and soon fall asleep.

*The next morning*
I get up and am responding to some emails at the desk in my room. Then the door flies open and Daniel runs in and flops down on my bed.
Y/n: Dani, what are you doing here?
D: I came to see what my bestie was doing today because I'm bored and have nothing else to do.
Y/n: I cant really hangout today, my mom wants to take Lindsay and i to go into town to visit my cousins.
D: Oh, sounds fun. Can you hangout tomorrow?
Y/n: I'm shopping with Lindsay tomorrow.
D: The day after that?
Y/n: For right now I have nothing going on that day.

We just talk while I am answering emails, then I have to finish getting ready by doing my hair and makeup. Daniel turned on a movie on my tv while I am finishing getting ready too. Its what he always used to do when we were in high school.

Y/n: Alright I have to leave now so you do too.
D: Fine, text me later Y/n/n.
I walk downstairs and wave to Daniel as he walks out. I then go out to the car where my mom and Lindsay were waiting for me. She then starts driving to my cousins house.

We arrive at my cousins house and Chloe, who is in 8th grade, runs out to hug me. While Taylor, who is in 11th grade, just walks out behind her.
Y/n: Hey Chloe, how have you been.
C: I mussed you so much, please come visit us more often.
Y/n: I will try to come back at least one more time while I am still here.
C: Yay!

We walk inside their house and go up to Chloe's room. It is now Lindsay, Taylor, Chloe and I in her room.
T: So how is collage going?
Y/n: Pretty good. I love my photography class, its so fun.
T: Did you meet anyone while you were there?
Y/n: Yeah I have a lot of good friends, but I don't like my roommate that much.
T: I didn't mean friends I meant did you meet someone you are interested in.
Y/n: Oh, no not really. I'm just not comfortable dating for a little while after what happened with my last relationship.
T: Oh, right. I'm sorry I didn't mean to remind you of that.
Y/n: Its fine, I try not to let it bother me.
L: Well basically two days ago she got her best friend back. Didn't you Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah, after a year we decided to go back to how things used to be.
C: Isn't tour best friend that Daniel kid?
Y/n: Yep, that's him.
T: Ooo, I totally ship you guys.
Y/n: What? We are just friends
T: You guys look cute together though even if you are just friends.
Y/n: I don't think so. Lindsay tell them they are wrong.
L: Sorry sis. I have to agree with them on this one.
I just roll my eyes and they change the subject and talk about how Lindsay is doing. I just sit there quiet. I have never thought of Daniel as more than a friend before. Now I cant get it out of my head. Could we be something more than friends one day?

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