Part 8

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We finished watching a movie and it was only 9 pm.
D: Do you want to watch another movie?
Y/n: Sure, ill watch whatever.
D: Ok
We were both kind of tired but continued to put on another movie. Daniel chose one of my favorite movies. I smiled at him then moved closer to cuddle into him. He put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me right up against his body. I laid my head on his bare chest and wrapped my arm around his torso. We continued to watch the movie, until I felt my eyes getting heavy. I yawned then drifted off to sleep.

*Daniels POV*
I hear Y/n's breathing shift to heavy deep breaths. I'm pretty sure she is asleep right now. I move my head to look at her to see if she is asleep. I see that she is and she looks so cute while she's sleeping. I missed the old days where we would have our movie nights or just hang out with each other all the time. I missed Y/n and it is so nice to have her back. She looks like she grew up a lot too. She looks prettier than I remember. Wait, am I catching feelings for Y/n? I think I might be, but I cant. She's moving away soon and will probably forget that I exist. I haven't told her yet, but I am also moving to LA to become a part of the band, Why Don't We. I am excited to be a part of it. It is everything I dreamed of doing since I found passion and joy in music. I don't want her to know that I am moving there quite yet. When I do move I will be focusing on the band and will probably not have time to spend with her. Since we are on good terms now I probably shouldn't tell her and ruin our friendship once again. I was thinking so much that I wasn't paying attention to the movie. I felt tired myself and so I turned off the movie and drifted off to sleep with Y/n.

*Y/n's POV*
I wake up and see the room filled with a little light from with windows. I didn't recognize where I was. I try to move, but I feel two arms wrapped around me. I then see that my head was on someone's chest. I then remember that I am at Dani's and must have fallen asleep during the second movie. Daniel's still sleeping, but I just admire him because he looks so cute when he is sleeping. I love being in his arms, it makes me feel safe and cared for. I start to play with his messy hair, then I feel him start to move a little. He opens his eyes and smiles at me.
Y/n: Good morning
D: Good morning, how did you sleep?
Y/n: Pretty good. Sorry that I fell asleep on you.
D: Don't worry about it, its ok
Y/n: Wait, what time is it?
D: 10 am, why?
Y/n: Shit, I'm gonna have to text Lindsay to see if we can go to the mall an hour later. I thought I would be home and she would get me up when it was time to go.
D: Oh, if I would have know then i would have waken you up and brought you back over to your house.
Y/n: No, its fine. I liked staying here, it reminds me of old times.
D: Yeah, me too.

We both got up and I was a little cold. Daniel noticed and gave me one of his sweatshirts, then we headed downstairs for breakfast. Keri was making waffles while Anna and Christian were sitting at the table. Jeff was cutting up some strawberries to go with the waffles.
K: Good morning Danie- Oh, Y/n I didn't know you stayed over last night.
Y/n: Yeah, I wasn't planning on it either. We just fell asleep watching a movie.
J: Y/n, I heard you were back in town for a little while. How are you kiddo, I haven't seen you in forever.
Y/n: I'm good, just happy to be home visiting family and friends.
K: Would you like to stay for breakfast?
Y/n: Sure if you don't mind, that would be great.

I look at Anna and she seems really happy. Then I remembered that she had a date last night. I wonder how that went. I will ask her about it later when we are alone so I can get all the details that she might not want to mention to her parents. We all sit down and talk while eating breakfast. I always enjoyed having breakfast with the Seavey's, especially because Keri is an amazing cook. We finished breakfast and I went upstairs with Anna and Dani.
Y/n: Dani, I'll come back in a minute. I'm gonna go talk to Anna real quick.
D: Ok, see you in a minute.

I walk into Anna's room and see her sitting on her bed.
Y/n: Hey, how did last night go?
A: It was amazing. I really like the guy. He is so sweet and makes me laugh a lot.
Y/n: Sounds like a nice guy, did you get his number?
A: Yeah, I got his number.... and a second date!
Y/n: ANNA! That's amazing I'm so happy for you.
A: Thanks, I'm happy too.
Y/n: Alright, I should probably go back to find Dani.
A: Y/n, nice sweatshirt.
Anna says that with a smirk on her face. I look down and remember I have on Dani's sweatshirt.
Y/n: I got cold okay? My bestie was nice enough to lend me a sweatshirt.
A: Hey I thought I was your bestie.
Y/n: You both are.

I walk out of her room and close her door. I love seeing how happy she is since she found a guy she really likes and cares for. Will I ever find happiness like that one day?

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