Part 19

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Soon I realize his face is getting closer to mine until there is no space left between us. His lips brush mine and he waits until I lean closer to him almost like I am giving him permission to proceed. When our lips connect, butterflies explode in my stomach. He moves his left hand to my cheek and the other hand on my back pulling closer to him. I wrap both of my arms around the back of his neck to deepen the kiss more. We both pause and pull apart just enough so we could get some air for a couple seconds before closing the space between us again. It felt like the kiss had lasted a lot longer than it actually had by the time we both pulled away. Daniel hasn't moved his hands from where they were and his thumb strokes my cheek. I loom at his face and he has a huge smile on his face. I bit my lip as I try to hold back my huge smile that wants to appear on my face. We were sitting there in a comfortable silence, but then Daniel decides to break it.
D: Now we can go if you really need to.
He says that with a smirk on his face as if him kissing me was all part of his plan of making me want to stay longer.
Y/n: I can probably stay a little longer.
D: Do you want to watch a movie then?
Y/n: Sure, you can choose.

Daniel chooses a movie and we both adjust how we are on the couch. We both lay down so that we are more comfortable. I have my head on Daniels chest as he plays with my hair during the movie. He knows how much I love when he plays with my hair. For some reason it makes me feel safe and he knows that.

After the movie is over we both just lay there. Neither of us making an effort to get up. I turn my head to look up at Daniel as he turns his head to look down at me before kissing my forehead.
D: I should probably get you home now since you already stayed longer than you were supposed to.
Y/n: I wish I didn't have to go, but yeah I guess I need to.
We both get up and head out to his car. We get in and start the drive back to my house. He ends up grabbing my hand and holding it again while he is driving. It is like all of these gestures came out of nowhere. I have noticed a fee things before, but today it is like he had a lot of confidence that he is just doing everything he can to me fall for him. With him holding my hand I feel butterflies in my stomach. I know we are just friends, well I'm not sure anymore. Today could have been the start of something between us.

We get to my house and he pulls into his parents house driveway since he was going to pickup a few things he forgot to take with him to his new apartment. Instead of just letting me walk over to my house by myself, he walked with me over to my house and then said goodbye to me. I go up to my room and jump on my bed and replay in my mind all that has happened today.

L: Someone looks happy
I look over and see Lindsay standing in my doorway with a smirk on her face.
Y/n: Yes, I am happy. Today was the best day ever.
L: What made today so special?
Y/n: Get Anna to come over and I will tell you guys all about it.
L: I'm sensing something to do with feelings if you want Anna to come over too.
Y/n: I don't know, we will see
I tease Lindsay a little as she texts Anna to come over to talk with us.

*Daniels POV*
After Y/n walks inside and shuts the door, I walk over to my house and walk inside the door. I sit down on the couch and start to think about all that has happened today. I started the day thinking that I was going to simply ask her out, but I ended up kissing her. I hole she enjoyed it as much as I did. Wait what if she didn't like it and hates me for it. What if I ruined my friendship. Man, I need to stop worrying I'm sure it will be fine.
K: Hey Dani, you here to pickup the last of your stuff?
I was interrupted from my thinking by my mom. Luckily it stopped me from overthinking too much.
D: Yeah, I'm just grabbing the last of it.
K: I already miss you being here. It feels so empty without you here. I'm still not sure what I am going to do with your room.
D: I'm sure that it will be filled with random stuff in no time.
I say that as I chuckle a little.
K: Your probably right.
She was about to walk out of the room, but she stopped herself.
K: I almost forgot. We are having dinner tomorrow night at Y/ns house. Be there at 5:30 pm and don't be late.
D: Okay, ill try not to be late.
She sends a slight smile my way before leaving the room for real this time. It gives me more time to think. Well at least I know I get to see Y/n for sure tomorrow. I feel like we need to talk about what happened today. Are we friends or more than friends?

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