Part 14

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A: Y/n you are totally hiding something. Who is the guy?
I sit there frozen wondering if I should make an excuse or tell her that I have feelings for her brother.
Y/n: What do you mean?
A: Come on, I can totally see it. There's a guy you aren't telling me about.
L: Come on who is it. You can trust us.
Y/n: Fine, but it is not what you think okay. Promise you wont be mad.
L: Why would I be mad.
Y/n: Its not you that I'm worried about.
Lindsay and Anna both look at me with confused expressions.
Y/n: It has to do with Daniel.
They look a little less confused and are waiting for me to go on.
Y/n: We kind of had a moment earlier, but it could have been nothing.
L: What kind of moment?
I explained it all to them and Lindsay looked really happy. To my surprise so did Anna.
Y/n: So your not upset Anna?
A: Why would I be upset? I told you before that I can totally see you two together.
Y/n: I just assumed that you would be scared that I wouldn't spend as much time with you. Well that is if we ever became something more than friends.
A: So you like him don't you?
Y/n: I've been trying to deny it ever since we became friends again, but honestly I think I do. I have a feeling that I am the only one who felt something between us in that moment. He probably didn't even notice. I mean why would he?
L: Be more positive than that will you? Okay, fine.

Our food comes to our table and we finally switched the subject because Anna didn't want to talk about her brother anymore at dinner. We all head out to the car after we finish our food and start out way home.
L: Anna you want to sleep over tonight? It will be just like old times.
A: Of course, is that even a question?
We pull into our driveway and Anna walks over to her house to change real quick and grab some things to bring with her. We walked in the front door and I noticed my mom was laying on the couch watching tv
She looked kind of miserable ever since my dad left for his work trip. He hasn't called or texted or anything since he left. Its like he has completely gone off the grid. I let her be on the couch and make my way upstairs.

I walk into my room and change into some comfy clothes, then take off my makeup. I am walking in front of my window when I see Daniel sitting at his desk looking out his window at me. He starts pointing to his phone and mouths something, but I cant understand it. Where is my phone? I look around a little, but I cant find it. It must be downstairs. I instead grab a few pieces of paper and write "I can't find my phone what did you need" on it. I hold it up to the window and I see him laugh a little when he reads it. I see him get up and find a piece of paper and a marker. I watch him as he writes. He just looks so damn cute right now. I wish I could spend tonight with him but I'm spending it with the girls.

He holds up his sign to the window and I read it. It says "Of course you did. I wanted to tell you that I just heard back from my realtor and I was able to buy an apartment I wanted" I was so happy for him that I let a huge smile take over my face. I quickly write on my piece of paper, barely containing my excitement. "Congrats!! Why didn't you tell me you were trying to buy your own place" He wrote back. "I wanted it to be a surprise"

I smiled at that sign knowing that he was planning that as a surprise for me. Lindsay then walked in and saw where my gaze was. She waved to Daniel and saw all the written on pieces of paper on my floor and smirked.
L: Annas walking over now, do you have your tv set up cause we will watch a movie in here.
Y/n: Yeah, I can set it up now.
L: Also I totally ship!
She says that quickly as she runs out of my room before I can go after her for bringing it up again. It really isn't helping me control my feelings. I write on my last piece of paper near me. "I have to go now. I will look for my phone so we can text later though." I decide to add a little heart too. He just nods after reading my message and sends a small smile my way.

I walk downstairs and see Anna walk in the door.
A: Hey Y/n/n!
Y/n: Hey, we are watching the movie in my room. I just needed to grab my phone real quick.
A: Alright.
I head up a fee minutes later after finding my phone and see Anna and Lindsay talking.
A: Y/n, seriously you guys are the cutest I ship you guys so much now. I can see it Y/n Seavey.
Y/n: Don't get too ahead of yourself!
We all laugh, then I hear my phone ping. My face turns to a frown immediately when i see who just texted me.

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