Part 23

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I wake up the next morning with Daniels arms around me and he is still sound asleep. I play with his messy hair a little as I lay in bed. I decide that nows my chance to shower before he wakes up. I pull the covers back and try to get out of Daniels grip, but he tightens his arms.
D: 5 more minutes
He groans as I continued to try and get out of his arms.
I look over at him and he looks sad that I'm getting up. Of course I give in and roll back over in bed facing him. I just stare into his ocean eyes getting lost in them as I smile at him. I run my hand through his messy hair again trying to fix it. He smiled even more and leaned in to kiss my cheek. I wished I could stay in bed forever, but then I heard the door open and we quickly turned to see who it was.
L: Hey, Y/-
She looked embarassed and quickly closed the door. Daniel and I both burst out into laughter then I snuck out of his arms so i could shower. He was complaining he was cold when I left, but I knew that if I went back to him then we would never get anything done today. I went into the bathroom and took my shower. I forgot to grab clothes though before my shower. I walked out of my room to get my clothes and Daniel looked up at me in my towel. I blushed a little while i was walking over to my closet to get some clothes. He looked like his jaw dropped a little, but i ignored him.
Y/n: Its not nice to stare you know
Y/n: Daniel you good?
D: What, sorry
Y/n: How about you close your mouth a little.
I laughed when i said it.
D: Ha ha, so funny
Y/n: Dani can i wear your sweatshirt today?
D: Of course.
He got up and brought me the sweatshirt he was wearing yesterday. He started to lean in to kiss me, but i thought i would tease him a little and I walked back to the bathroom to change. I heard him sigh through the door when i walked off and I giggled a little.

One thing that was on my mind was what were Daniel and I now. We should probably talk about that. I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed where Daniel was scrolling on his phone.
Y/n: Hey
Daniel put down his phone and crawled over to where I was and sat down next to me.
Y/n: I think maybe we should talk and clear some things up real quick.
D: Yeah we probably should. I've just been avoiding it.
Y/n: Yeah, same. So, before we get into it just want you to know that i like you alot.... a lot more than a friend.
Daniel smiled when he heard that.
D: I like you a lot more than a friend too.
I smiled being more confident when I heard that.
Y/n: So what does that make us?
D: Would you like to be my girlfriend?

I burst out laughing so hard which made Daniel frown and he was so confused.
D: Whats so funny? Did I say something wrong?
Y/n: What the hell was that?
D: What was what?
Y/n: That wasnt even romantic or anything it was like we were having a causal conversation then you just asked me to be your girlfriend. Im not going to accept cause i like a romantic gesture. I laughed when i said that. Daniel fake pouted knowing that i was still not his girlfriend. I threw a pillow at him then ran out of my room downstairs. I got downstairs and ran into the kitchen with Daniel close behind me. He caught up to me and hugged me from behind then picked me up a little bit. We didnt even notice that Lindsay was right in front of us sitting at the counter. She had a smirk on her face while she was looking at us. We both saw her then Daniel put me down and we acted normal.
Y/n: Uh, hey Lindsay
L: Hi...
Y/n: What are you doing today?
L: Well Anna wanted to go out to lunch with us and i came to ask if you wanted to go, but you looked.... busy.
Daniel and I both went red.
Y/n: I was just waking up then, sorry
L: Is that what you call it.
There was a awkward silence until Lindsay spoke again.
L: Ill admit you two are cute together though.
Daniel and I smiled when she said that. Daniel was quiet the whole time probably because he was embarassed that we were caught. He doesnt really know Lindsay that well.
Y/n: Is it too late to go with you guys?
L: Im leaving right now actually so you can sill come.
Y/n: Okay, let me go get my phone and I will meet you in the car.
L: Okay, hurry though Annas already in the car.

I walk upstairs and grab my phone, but Daniel is blocking the door. He has a fake pouting face on.
D: Don't leave me
He said that in a childish voice.
Y/n: I have to go I can hang out with you later okay?
D: Fine, but you owe me.
He says with a smirk and I knew what he wanted.
I walked up to him and place my lips onto his and we held it for a while. I brushed past his shoulder and walked downstairs. He was still upstairs, so i knew he was just going to watch netflix on my bed while I was gone since he doesn't want to drive back and forth to his appartment.

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