Part 7

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We are heading back home from my cousins house. We hung out for a while, ate lunch and watched a movie while my mom talked with their parents. I still am thinking about what Taylor and Lindsay said about Daniel and I. I think back to a couple days ago when I was admiring him at the waterfall before he threw me in the water.

We arrive back home and I go up to my room. I stand in my doorway before I walk over to my window and look out at Daniels window. He is playing his guitar and keeps stopping to write things down on a piece of paper. He looks up and smiles at me. I smile back then go over to my bed and flop down on it. I then hear my phone buzz. I pull it out and look at it.


Hey, how was your
day with your cousins?
                                       It was fun. Good to
                                     finally see them after
                                     being away for so long.

That's good. What are
you doing for the rest
of the evening?

                                      Probably watch Netflix
                                              or something.
Why don't you come over
and we can watch
Netflix together.

                                               Yeah, sure

I walk downstairs and tell my mom who was making dinner that I am going over to Daniels. She didn't seem too happy because she wanted us to have dinner as a family for once. Well minus dad of course. I walk over to the Seavey's, walk through their front door and say hi to Keri as I am heading up to Daniels room.

A: Y/n! Come here I need your advise on what to wear.
She pulls me into her room and it looks like her closet exploded all over the floor and her bed.
Y/n: What type of event is it?
A: Its for going to dinner at a nice restaurant.
Y/n: Nice! Who are you going with?
I ask as i look through some of her dresses.
A: Its a um date with Landen.
Y/n: A DATE?! Why didn't you tell me this?
A: I know I should have but I just didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
Y/n: This is a big deal Anna. Here wear this.
I hand her a navy blue dress. Not too fancy, not too casual. She goes over to her closet and picks out a matching pair of shoes.
A: Thanks Y/n/n!
Y/n: No problem. I have to go now. Daniel is probably wondering where I am, but let me know how it goes.
A: Oh, yeah sorry. Ill text you after or come rant to you if your still here later.

I walked out of her room and walked into Daniels room and jumped on his bed. He looked back at me with a smile on his face as he put his guitar down and closed the journal he was writing in. He came over to the bed and flopped down right next to me. We were both looking each other in the eyes while just laying there in a comfortable silence. I got lost in his ocean eyes while laying there. I felt safe with Dani. He made me feel comfortable and I am glad to call him my bestfriend, but would I want him to be something more. I keep thinking to myself until I hear him talking to me which brings me out of my thoughts.

D: What are you thinking about?
Y/n: Just how happy I am to have you as my bestie.
D: I'm happy to have you as my best friend too.
We go back to being silent for a few moments, then Daniel speaks up again.
D: We should probably go get dinner before we watch the movie.
Y/n: That's true. I'm starving.
D: We can go pick up a pizza cause my mom is going somewhere for most of tonight and I also need to buy some snacks for the movie.
Y/n: Ok, lets go

We walk downstairs and get into Daniels car. We head out to the local pizza place and get a small pepperoni pizza. We then head to the grocery store to grab some ice cream, vanilla of course since Daniel hates chocolate. We grabs some other snack and drinks then head to checkout. We bought all of the things we needed then headed back to Dani's house while discussing what movie we want to watch when we get back. We decide on Instant Family because it is a funny movie.

We get back to his house and eat some pizza in the dinning room. Then we bring that snacks upstairs with us to his room and shut the door behind us.
Y/n: Oh, wait I didn't grab spoons for the ice cream. Ill be right back.
D: Ok, I'm just going to change into some comfy clothes then.

I walk downstairs and grab two spoons then run back up stairs. I enter Daniels room and practically drop the spoons. I see Daniel shirtless as he is getting under the blankets on his bed.
D: What is it with you and your staring?
Y/n: I-I uh.... sorry.
I walk over to the bed and set the spoons down with the ice cream then get under the blankets too. I scoot closer to Daniel as the movie starts. We open the ice cream and eat all of it before the movie is halfway over. After we are both full from the ice cream I put the empty carton off to the side and lay down closer to Daniel. I like being close to him like this. Wait what the hell am I thinking? Am I catching feelings for my bestfriend?

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