Part 4

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I hear a knock on my door and my eyes slowly flutter open.
L: Y/n, are you up?
Lindsay yells while knocking on my door repeatedly.
Y/n: Geez, I'm up just stop knocking
I roll over and close my eyes again. I am still exhausted and need more sleep. Lindsay opens the door, walks over to my bed and pulls the covers off of me.
Y/n: Hey, what was that for?
L: Come on get up we have to leave soon.
Y/n: Leave soon for what?
L: You seriously forgot? We are hiking with Anna and Daniel.
Y/n: Oh shit I forgot.
I jump out of bed and run to my closet to grab some clothes.
Y/n: Why didn't you wake me up earlier?
Lindsay starts laughing as i run into the bathroom.

I am now ready for the hike. I am wearing black biker shorts with a light red shirt. I also am wearing my black Nike sneakers. I decided on cooler clothes to match well with the warm summer heat.
Y/n: Alright I'm ready I need to grab some food.
L: No time for food lets go we are riding with Anna and Daniel to the trail.
Y/n: If i pass out its your fault.

We both walk outside and over to the Seavey's as they are both walking out the door. Anna is wearing biker shorts and a tank top. Daniel is also wearing a tank top that shows off his biceps which I cannot stop stating at. Damn after i moved he had a whole ass glow up.
D: Y/n, you okay?
I notice that I am still staring, I look up to meet his eyes.
Y/n: I- Yeah, I'm fine.
I quickly look down at the ground as I feel my cheeks growing warm and turning red.
D: Here I brought this protein bar for you. If you are still like you were before moving away I know you get up last minute and don't have time to eat.
I smile at him and he returns it with a slight smile appearing on his face.
L: Alright, I call shotgun!
Well looks like Daniel and i are in the back together. We all get in the car and Anna turns on her playlist since we have a 40 minute drive to the trail we want to hike.

Daniel and I talk a little every once in a while and i can already feel us growing closer as friends again. We were all sitting in silence when Umbrella by Rihanna starts to play. Daniel and I both look at each other with a huge smile on our face. This was our song that we would always sing to and make up crazy dances to when we were younger. Out of nowhere we both start belting the lyrics along to the song. We each keep the smile on our face and dance a little in the backseat while Anna and Lindsay laugh at us.

We arrive at the trail and get out of the car. I take my water and realize I forgot my backpack.
Y/n: Hey Dani, I forgot to bring my backpack. Can I put my water in yours?
He looks at me with a smile while I wait for him to answer.
D: Calling me Dani again?
He asks with a smirk on his face.
Y/n: I figured it was a good time to start again.
D: Also yes, I can carry your water.

We have been hiking for quite some time now and we are almost to the waterfall. I have been hanging back with Daniel and we have been talking and having a great time. Its really starting to feel how it used to before I left.

We finally made it to the waterfall. We put our stuff down and sat down on some of the rocks admiring how beautiful it is. I got up and walked over to the edge of the water and dipped my hand in to help cool me down a little. After a few minutes i noticed Daniel standing beside me also dipping his hand in the water.
D: You want to go swimming?
I looked at him like he was crazy. He wasn't joking either. He took his tank top off and I just stood there staring at his abs.
D: Like what you see?
Y/n: What? I wasn't looking at anything.
I tried to play it off but it made more obvious.
D: Yeah, sure

I was wondering why he wasn't in the water yet since he wanted to go swimming until I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and pick me up off the ground. I immediately knew it was Daniel.
Y/n: Stop Daniel, put me down.
I shout at him trying to save myself.
D: I thought we were gonna go swimming
He says as he walks further into the water.
Y/n: No, we are not. Put me down.
D: okay
He drips me right into the water and i go fully under. I come back up to the surface as I get a breath of air. I run towards Daniel and push him all the way under the water. We keep tackling each other in the water until it was time to go back home. It was a cold ride home as both of us were soaked from the water. I finally felt like I had my bestfriend back!

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