Part 15

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My face turns to a frown immediately when I see who just texted me.


Hey gorgeous, I know
you miss me. You know
where I live if you
want to want me
to remind you what
your missing


Quit denying it.
You know you want
me back, baby.

*This number has been

I have so much anger in my face right now. I didn't even care about hiding it from Anna and Lindsay at this point.
A: What's wrong?
L: Y/n/n what is it?
Y/n: That fucking bitch does not know how to leave people the hell alone. I fucking hate toxic ex's they fucking assume everything because they just want to sleep around with people. You know what I am done and I am never dating someone ever again.
I said that in a loud voice, practically yelling. Anna and Lindsay just stare at me with shock in their faces. I hand them my phone so they can read the whole conversation so they would stop staring at me like I am crazy.

L: Hey, its going to be okay, at least you blocked that bitch.
Y/n: I thought I did a long time ago, I'm not sure why he wasn't blocked yet.
I say that with a lot of rage in my voice I never thought I would have to deal with him ever again, but I saw him at the mall the other day when he tried to talk to me and now this.
A: I guess he slept with all the girls in this town and is now running back to you because he is the same basic bitch that he has always been. You don't need him and you never did need him. You are a better person without him, I hope you know that.
Y/n: Thanks, Anna! I realize that. It just kind of ruined my mood how he still isn't over me..... well over my body and what he wants me for. It just disgusts me that he oy wanted me for my body and never for me or my personality.
L: I know. I promise you the right person is going to come to you soon. They could be right in front of your eyes and you wouldn't notice.
A: More like right across from your window and looking right at us.
I look up and see Daniel looking in my window. My face instantly starts to turn into a smile and soften up from being so tense with anger.
A: He really cares for you. I know he does.
Y/n: I know he does. How about we watch a movie now to help me forget those 10 minutes even happened.
A: Of course.

We eventually decided on a movie. Well two movies because we couldn't just watch one. We chose the Mean Girls movies because who doesn't love that series. I am really happy that I have such an amazing friend and twin sister who are there for me when I need them most, especially if I am going through a hard time. They are the best!

A little while through the movie I notice that Anna is asleep and Lindsay is close to being asleep, so I pull out my phone and check my texts. I see a text from Daniel and open it.


Hey, did you want
to come over in a
few days to help me
pack up and move out
of my room?

Of course I do! I will miss
looking out my window and
seeing you though I must

I will you, but you
can come over and
hang out at my new
place all the time.
It will be so much fun!

The first movie ended and I felt really tired. Anna was still asleep and Lindsay was also now asleep. I didn't even bother putting on the next movie for me because I was feeling really tired myself and was ready to sleep. It didn't take long and I also drifted off to sleep.

(Sorry this chapter is kind of short.)

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