Part 20

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*Y/n's POV*
Anna got over to our house within 5 minutes and we all sat on my bed. They both gave me their full attention so I could talk about what happened.
A: Do what did you want to talk about?
Y/n: Well I wasn't gonna talk about anything.
A: Well then why am I here?
Y/n: Because Lindsay said that I needed to talk to both you guys.
L: I can sense drama, okay. I know something good happened today because you are more cheerful and happier than normal. So you better tell us what happened.
Y/n: I don't know if I am ready to tell you guys. I haven't even finished processing it myself.
A: Spill.

I tell them all that has happened today they let me finish explaining everything before they both start talking at the same time and they seem excited for me.
A: OMG, Y/n has a boyfriend!!
L: You guys are such a cute couple.
Y/: Hold on, we aren't actually together yet.
A&L: You aren't?
Y/n: Well I mean we haven't really talked about what we are yet and if we both feel the same way about each other yet.
A: So you do have feelings for my brother.
Y/n: What?? No I didn't say that.
I replied nervously
L: Y/n/n, you literally just admitted it.
Y/n: Okay, maybe I do. I hope he feels the same way about me too.
L: Do you really think he would have kissed you if he didn't feel the same way about you.
Y/n: Yeah, I guess you do have a point.
A: My ship is sailing!!

*Time skip*
Anna left about 20 minutes ago
I am just chilling in my room watching Netflix when I get a text from my someone. I look to see who it is and I am honestly shocked. Its from my dad.


Hey, I want to just say
that I am sorry that I will
not get to see you while you
are back in town. They have
extended how long I am
here to a few more weeks.

                                                                                                               Seriously, there's no way
                                                                                                                 you can get out of it. I
                                                                                                                  thought family is more
                                                                                                                    important than work.

I'm sorry, but there no way
to get out of it. Hopefully
I can visit with you another time.

*end of texts*

I didn't even respond after the last text he sent. He didn't even seem sad that he couldn't see me. At least he even bothered to text me rather than just not come home for a long time. He was always trying to get me interested in the same job field as him. After seeing how much time it took I decided that o wanted to be a photographer so that I could have free time and wasn't always tied to my work. He seemed upset when I told him I didn't want to do the same job as him. I just told him I wasn't interested. I should have told him the truth though, maybe he would have taken a hint from that and wouldn't have worked as much.

I am just chilling on my bed when I see a small piece of a stick fly up and hit the outside of my window. I get up and open my window to see Dani standing below it while looking up and smiling at me.

D: Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I am leaving now.
Y/n: You couldn't just text me like normal person?
D: Its more fun this way
He says that while laughing.
D: Ill see you tomorrow though.
Y/n: Tomorrow? I didn't know we had plans tomorrow.
D: Oh, I guess no one told you. My family is coming over to your house to have dinner.
Y/n: Yeah, no one told me yet. Anyways see you tomorrow then.
We both smile at each other before he turns and walks away from us. I am really happy that things aren't awkward between us since we kissed. It is like it never happened and we are still really close friends. Though I would like to talk about what we are to each other at some point. For the rest of the night I watch some Netflix and just chill.

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