Part 16

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*Two days later*
Today is the day that I go over to Daniels to help him pack up all of his stuff in his room to move over to his new apartment. His apartment isn't too far away, but I will miss looking out my window and seeing him playing his guitar.

I finally get out my bed and take a quick shower. Since I will moving around and putting things in boxes I just wear comfortable clothes. I throw on some black athletic shorts and a blue athletic shirt. Nothing fancy and I didn't put on any makeup either. I look out my window and see Daniel struggling to walk through his door with a bunch of boxes in his hands. I laugh at him as I pull out my phone and take a video of him. I wanted to document this since it was probably the last time I look out my window and see him there. I walked downstairs and see Lindsay in the kitchen making some waffles.

Y/n: What's the special occasion?
L: What do you mean?
Y/n: Your actually cooking for once, but what for?
L: Well I figured you had a big day ahead of you and I know this might be hard that your bestfriend is moving.
Y/n: You do realize that he is only moving like 20 minutes from here. Its not that far.
L: Yes, I am aware. Now do you want the waffles or not because I will just eat these myself.
Y/n: No its fine. I will take the waffles.
L: Don't eat them all, there are some for Daniel here too.
Y/n: Okay, see you later
L: Bye!

I finally made it out the door and I am only 10 minutes late, but he will forgive me since I brought food with me. I walked through his front door and say hi to Keri and Jeff. I walk into Daniels room and it is a mess with stuff all over. I see Daniel over in his closet cleaning it out. Then Anna is just sitting on his bed.
A: Hey Y/n!
D: What Y/ns finally here?
He tries to get out of the closet, but he hits his head on a shelf and now Anna and I are both laughing.
Y/n: Yes I'm here, don't worry I brought food too.
D: Yes, I need some more energy since I am doing all the work.
He looks at Anna when he says that and she just rolls her eyes.
A: I was here for support and making sure you didn't break something. Ill take some waffles though.
Y/n: It looks like a tornado came through here though. What time do you want to be packed up by?
D: Its 11 now, so probably by 3 or 4 in the afternoon.
Y/n: That seems doable I think.

We eat our waffles together on his bed, then Anna left because she didn't want to help do any work. I pick up a box then go over to some of his shelves on the wall and take somethings off of it and pack it. We laugh and talk about old things from out childhood that we find and go through some pictures and old things from when we were younger. I was in most of the pictures too and I remembered the good old days.

*Time skip* lunch time
We got almost half of the room packed and it is about 1 pm. We stopped for lunch and just ordered some food from our favorite fast food place. Anna was at my house with Lindsay, so we walked over there while we were waiting for food to see them. They were in the living room and we went and talked with them. Lindsay was upset that I didn't order her some food too because she didn't want to spend money. When the food got here we went back over to Daniels room and ate. Then went back to work.

*Another time skip*
We just finished packing everything up and now his room is cluttered with boxes. It looks so empty other than the boxes all over. We start to carry things downstairs to Daniels car. Keri and Jeff are also taking a car so we load things into that too. We needed one more car to go so Anna and Lindsay had to drive one too. Everything was loaded and we would just have to come back and get some of the bigger furniture to bring to the apartment. We brought the boxes up to the apartment and after a few hours, everything was in there. We ordered a pizza for everyone to eat because they were all helping move the boxes to the room they need to go into. I helping Daniel move in the next couple days and we need to go shopping for some decor which he is letting me choose. I look around admiring his new apartment and think about how much I will miss having him live right across from my window.

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