Part 11

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??: I brought food, you hungry?
I look over and see Daniel standing in my doorway with a bag from Chick-Fil-A.
Y/n: Let me guess, Lindsay asked you to come over?
D: Yeah, she told me what happened.
Y/n: I just wish he would leave me alone, but if he sees me again I know he will try to talk to me.
Daniel walks over and sits down on my bed next to me and pulls the covers over his legs. He pulls out the food and we both start eating.
D: It is going to be okay, alright?
Y/n: Yeah, enough about me how was your day?
D: I was just hanging out with my family and playing music.
Y/n: You really love playing music a lot. You should consider pursuing it as a career.
D: Its a good idea, but I'm not sure.
Y/n: Just think about it.
D: fine.

We continue eating and talking. I enjoy having Daniel here with me to make me feel better. He is taking my mind off of what happened earlier. I might be over reacting, but it made me remember how much he hurt me.
Y/n: Do you have time to stay and watch a movie with me?
D: Of course.

He picks out a movie and I put it on my tv. A little while in I am getting uncomfortable sitting up, so I lay down and put my head on Daniels lap. I wanted to be close to him because it made me feel comfortable and safe. He lays down too after a few minutes and I lay my head on his chest. He pulls me closer to him and I wrap my arms around his torso.

After the movie is over, I get up to change into some more comfortable clothes. When I come back from the bathroom, I see Daniel who is now shirtless in my bed. He smiles at me and I walk over after turning off the lights and get in my bed with him. I snuggle up to him and he wraps his arms around me. I suddenly feel butterflies in my stomach. Now I really think that I am getting feelings for Daniel. I smile to myself, then drift off to sleep.

I wake up the next morning wrapped in Daniel's arms. He is already awake and he is playing with my hair. I open my eyes and smile at him. He also returns a smile.
D: Morning
Y/n: Good morning
D: How'd you sleep?
Y/n: Really good. So, are you going to tell me where we are going today or is it another surprise?
D: What makes you think I am going to tell you?
Y/n: Can I at least have a hint?
D: Fine, we used to go here all the time and it would always make you happy.
Y/n: That could be so many places.
D: You will have to wait and see.

We get out of bed and I shower while Daniel goes back over to his house to get ready. After I am ready, I am finishing my hair and Lindsay walks into my room.
L: So, how was last night.
Y/n: Lindsay, don't even go there. He was just trying to make me feel better.
L: Come on you totally like him and I ship you guys together.
Y/n: Fine, your right I felt something for him last night. I got butterflies when he pulled me closer. I love being near him. He makes me feel so happy.
L: I'm so happy, you guys should totally date.
Y/n: Its not like he feels the same way about me.

*Daniels POV*

I finished getting ready for today. I am taking Y/n to the zoo. The whole time I was getting ready, I was thinking about Y/n. I lived sleeping next to her and having her in my arms. I might be falling for her, but I cant let that happen. She wont feel the same way about me.

??: Hey
D: Hey Christian
C: What's up you seem really happy.
D: Nothing, yeah its um nothing
C: You sure, I know you stayed over at Y/ns last night. You sure this has nothing to do with her?
D: Okay, maybe it does. There was something about last night where I loved having her in my arms and being close to her.
C: Sounds like you really like her as maybe more than a friend.
D: I don't know I think I am starting to like her as more than a friend too, but I know she probably wont feel the same about me, so what's the point.

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