Part 25

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*Y/ns POV*
I wake up in strong arms wrapped around me and someone playing with my hair. I look up and see Dani with a smile on his face. Then he leans down and kisses my forehead which makes me smile.

Y/n: Morning
D: Good morning, how did you sleep?
Y/n: Good, your arms are very comfortable.
I say as I lean into him more.
D: we should probably get ready to go cause we have to leave soon.
Y/n: Alright, I guess I can get up. Can I wear your sweatshirt today though?
D: I guess
He says acting annoyed as I laugh.

Today is the day we go camping I am really excited for this trip since I was in LA the last time and everyone went without me.

We both get out of bed and get ready for our day before we bring my bags out to Daniel's car and help gather all the food and supplies for our trip.

L: Y/n, can you grab all the food and put it in the cooler? Daniel make sure that all the tents end up in one of the cars otherwise we are sleeping on the ground.
Y/n: Okay we will do that, calm down though theres nothing to stress about.
L: Sorry, you know that I always stress about forgetting stuff before a big trip.
Y/n: Yeah, how about you go help Anna pack because I know that she probably can't decide what clothes she wants to pack.
L: Oh, god. Your right.

She walks out the door and over to the Seavey house. I laugh to myself at how flustered she was, then Daniel appeared in front of me.
D: I always forget that she is like that for every trip.
Y/n: Yep, I honestly don't know if Anna needs help. I just wanted to get rid of her.

I got back to grabbing food out of the fridge and turn around to Daniel right behind me. He smiles at me then puts his arms around my waist.

Y/n: Dani, what are you doing? We have to finish packing.
D: Now you sound like your sister.
Y/n: *gasps* I'm gonna pretend that you didn't say that.

I start smiling and laugh a little after I say that. Daniel is looking into my eyes, then his eyes travel down to my lips and he starts to lean in, causing me to also lean in. Our lips meet and it gives me butterflies again. Damn I want this man to be mine.

L: She said that she didn't need any help, so is there something I ca-
Daniel and I pull apart and look at her both of our faces turning red.
L: Actually I'm gonna make sure that uh Keri uh has everything packed. Uh, bye
She runs out leaving Daniel and I giggling as we get back to filling the cooler.

L: Are you sure thats everything?
Y/n: I'm positive.
M: Don't stress yourself out too much.
K: Are we ready?
A: Lets gooo!

We all pile into the cars and in Daniels car there is only room for 2 people so its just him and I.
Y/n: Since its just us in here you already know what im gonna do.
D: Oh, hell yeah.
He says as he gives me Aux cord with a smile on his face. I put on the playlist we made together a long time ago with all of our favorites on there that we love to sing. Then we leave for our campground.

After a few hours of driving, we made it to the campground.... finally. Dani and I enjoyed jamming out to the music the whole time. Now it was time to go to work and set up the tent we would be sleeping in.

We were the first ones with our tent set up, so we started with the air matresses and filled them both up, then took them into the tent along with our sleeping bags and pillows. Our beds are finally set up, but we slid them together to make one big bed because i wanted to sleep right next to him for comfort.

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