Part 9

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I walk back to Daniels room. He is holding his guitar and is softly playing it. I lean my head against the door frame as I am standing in the doorway listening. He starts humming along while playing the guitar until he looks up and sees me standing there.
D:Oh, sorry I didn't notice you were standing there.
Y/n: You didn't have to stop keep going it sounded really good.
D: Nah, it was nothing.
Y/n: Can you at least play me something, please?
D: Oh, I don't know
Y/n: Just one song. It could be any song.
D: Ok, I guess.

I walk over and lay down on Daniel's bed and wait for him to start playing. I am listening and he sounds really good. When he starts singing along I close my eyes because his voice is so relaxing to listen to. I am honestly surprised by how talented he is with singing. I never knew he could sing unless he was keeping it from me the whole time we were friends before I moved. He finished the song and I opened my eyes and sat up.
Y/n: That was so good. You are really talented.
D: You really think so?
Y/n: Yes, I never knew you could sing like that.
D: I have never been a fan of singing around crowds of people until recently.
Y/n: Well you have a real gift. Don't be afraid to show it.

I smile and look into his eyes. We stay there like that for a few minutes before I speak up.
Y/n: I should probably get back home so I can get ready for going to the mall. See you later.
D: Have fun! See you later.

I walk downstairs. Say bye to Keri, Jeff and Christian, then head out the door and back to my house. I walk in and apologize to my mom that I didn't come hone last night since she wanted to have family time. I walk upstairs to my room and look out my window. It looks like Daniel is still playing his guitar too. I take a shower and decide to put back on Dani's sweatshirt because it still smells like him and his cologne. I then do my makeup and blow dry my hair before flopping on my bed and pulling out my phone to go through Instagram.

L: Hey, you almost ready to go?
Y/n: Yeah, sorry I didn't plan on falling asleep and staying over at Dani's.
L: Oh, I thought you stayed with Anna.
I blush a little remembering laying on Dani's chest.
Y/n: No, Anna went on a date actually. So I didn't really see her that much.
L: She went on a date?
Y/n: Yep and it sounds like it went really well too. She even got a second date which she is so excited for. I'm not really sure if I should have told you that, so if she tells you act surprised.
L: I will don't sorry.
Y/n: I wish I had someone I really like who is sweet and will care for me too.
L: Y/n/n, you will have that too one day I know you will.
Y/n: I doubt that.
L: Who knows you could have already met that person.
She smirks at me and looks at the sweatshirt I am wearing. I then picked up on what she was thinking.
Y/n: I know what your thinking, but we just fell asleep last night and I was cold and he gave me his sweatshirt to wear. Besides, I doubt he likes me like that.
L: Wait did you just kind of admit to having feelings for him?
I feel my face get hot and I know I am blushing so hard right now.
Y/n: I did not say that, I don't know what your talking about.
L: Your blushing too.
Y/n: Alright, ready to go shopping? I think you are. Meet you down in the car.
L: Your a bad liar you know that. You are so crushing on him.

Before i head downstairs I glance quickly out my window without Lindsay noticing. Seeing Dani through his window put a smile on my face and i walked out to the garage and waited in the car. Lindsay got in and didn't badger me about it anymore. Instead she put on her playlist and started singing along. I just looked out the window thinking about if she was right or not about my feelings. I might actually like my best friend.

(Sorry this chapter is kind of short.)

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