Part 3

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After an hour, Anna finally tried on all the clothes she got and showed them to me. I love her style, she always finds such amazing clothes. 
Y/n: I should probably be getting home for dinner.
A: You can stay for dinner if you want.
Y/n: Are you sure I wouldn't want to intrude.
A: Of course. My parents aren't home so we have to make something ourselves.
Y/n: How about we make mac and cheese then.
A: Yesss, I'm gonna go start it. Can you ask Daniel if he wants any?
Y/n: Uh, yeah

Anna walks downstairs as i walk over to Daniels room. I hear him playing a guitar on the other side of the door. I open the door and walk in. He didn't even notice that I walked in. I am standing in the door frame admiring his talent when he looks up at me and quickly stops playing.
D: I didn't know you were still here.
Y/n: Yeah I still am. You are really talented you know. I heard you singing earlier too while I was walking to Annas room.
D: Oh, um thanks.
Y/n: The reason I am here is to ask if you wanted some mac and cheese that Anna and I are making.
D: Yeah ill have some.
I was about to walk out of his room, but I stopped myself and turned back around.
Y/n: I know I messed up and should have never lost contact with you, but I offered to start over and be friends again. Why are you refusing to become close again.
D: You were my only friend and you left me here and did not contact me, so can you blame me at all?
Y/n: Like I said I am sorry, but please can we put that in the past and move forward?
There was a minute of silence before he spoke up.
D: Fine I will give it another shot, but you better not ditch me again.
Y/n: Don't worry I wont, see you at dinner
I say as I walk out with a slight smile. It will be good to have my bestfriend back. Even if we are not as close as we were yet.

I walk into the kitchen as Anna is pouring the pasta into a pan.
A: So....
Y/n: So what?
A: Is he going to eat some or not?
Y/n: Oh, right. Yeah he is. I didn't think that is what you were talking about.
A: What did you think I was talking about?
Y/n: Oh, nothing
A: You sure, your acting weird. What took you so long upstairs?
Y/n: I was just talking with Daniel.
A: Really, I thought you guys weren't on good terms.
Y/n: We weren't but we finally agreed to have a fresh start and become friends again.
A: Finally! He was so down and sad when you left and has been ever since maybe you can cheer him up again.
Y/n: Yeah, maybe.

I sat at the table and started to eat my food as we both heard foot steps come down the stairs. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed some food.
A: So what are your plans for tomorrow Y/n?
Y/n: I don't really have anything planned. I might take a hike somewhere tomorrow, but I'm not sure.
A: How about we come with you tomorrow.
I look up at at Anna who had a smile on her face and was hoping i would say yes. I then looked at Daniel and was met by his beautiful eyes. He gave me a little smile like he wanted to go too.
Y/n: Sure you guys can come. I'm sure Lindsay will come too.
A: I cant wait!

We talk a little more throughout and after dinner. Daniel and I are really bonding again and I'm looking forward to spending more time with him and Anna tomorrow.

*Back home*
Y/n: I'm home!
I shout up to Lindsay as I walk in the door. She comes running downstairs to greet me.
L: How was it? Was Anna excited to see you?
Y/n: Yes she was really surprised and it was fun. Sorry I didn't come back for dinner, Anna made mac and cheese. You know how much I live her mac and cheese.
L: No worries we just ordered out.

We both walked upstairs and into my room I flopped on my bed exhausted from the trip today.
L: Do did you run into Daniel?
Y/n: Yeah I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid him.
L: Did you guys figure it out?
Y/n: Yeah we are starting over I guess you could say. Oh, also we are going on a hike tomorrow with Anna and Daniel.
L: Why do you always volunteer me for this stuff?
Y/n: Come on I thought you would love the chance to hang out with Anna and I. Unless you want to stay home and help mom clean the house.
L: On second thought I think I will go with you.
Y/n: I knew it. Well I think I'm going to get some rest, good night.
L: Night

Lindsay leaves my room and I get changed into a t-shirt and comfy shorts. While I am laying in bed I think about how nice the hike will be tomorrow. I am actually really excited. While I was thinking, I slowly drift off to sleep.

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