Part 5

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I get back to my house and I shower and change into some comfy clothes to chill in the rest of the day. I decide that I am going to watch Ginny &Georgia (idk what to put) on Netflix. I am in the middle of an episode and I get a text from Daniel.

Hey, did you want to go get
lunch tomorrow and catch
up some more?
                            Yeah, sure ill walk 
                            Over tomorrow at 12

Ok, sounds good!
See you then!

I finish the episode I am on then I decide to go downstairs to get some food.
Y/n: Hey mom, how was your day?
M: Pretty good I just went shopping and hung out at home.
Y/n: Did dad even come home last night?
M: Yeah, he got home late and left early. I'm sorry sweetie I know you really wanted to spend tine with him.
Y/n: Yeah I hope I get to see him at some point while I am here.

I grab some food then head back upstairs to watch more of my show.

*time skip to the next morning*

I wake up to heating yelling downstairs. I wonder what is going on. I get out of bed and head downstairs to see what is going on.

M:You promised that you would take time off to spend with your daughter before she moved back to LA.
Dad: I know I said I would but if I don't go on this trip I will lose my job. We cannot afford for me to lose my job.
Y/n: Your leaving on a business trip while I am here visiting?
I asked while my voice was filled with anger and sadness. My parents both looked at me, my mom looked angry and my dad looked sad and upset. None of them said a word for a few moments.
Dad: I don't want to, but I have to.
Y/n: So why don't you stay?
Dad: Its not that easy, Y/n.
Y/n: Sounds like you can travel for work, but don't even care if you get to spend time with me in the short time I am here.
I storm out of the kitchen and back upstairs before he can say another word. I can home so I could spend time with my family, but they cant even give up an hour if work to spend time with me. I try not to cry as I think of how much my family is falling apart. Lindsay says that when my dad is home all my parents do us fight. I'm worried one day they will have enough of the arguing and split up. I really hope it doesn't come to that.

After a while of laying in bed thinking about what happened. I look at the time and realize that I have to get ready to get lunch with Daniel. I walk over to my closet and decide on a nice pair of denim shorts with a white cropped shirt and my air forces. I go into my bathroom and do a little makeup. I don't like doing a lot of makeup, just a natural look. I grab my phone and wallet, then I head down stairs.
Dad: Y/n, please let me explain more.
I don't even look at him, I just walk out the front door and walk over to Daniels house.
I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. The door opens and I am greeted by a smile.
??: Hey Y/n!
Y/n: Hey Christian, how are you?
C: I'm good, I haven't seen you in forever. Come here.
He pulls me into a hug, then we both pull away.
C: Daniel is still upstairs, he will down in a minute. Well I'm assuming that you are here to see Daniel, right?
Y/n: Yeah I am, were good now and back to normal.
C: That's good. Oh, you can come inside and wait too.
I walk in past Christian and walk right to the couch and collapse on it. I was there for like 5 minutes then I see Daniel come down the stairs.
D: Sorry it took me so long.
Y/n: Damn, I think I take less time than you.
D: Your probably right. You ready?
Y/n: Yeah lets go.
I jump up off the couch and we head outside. I get into the passenger side of the car and right away connect my phone and start playing music. We are both singing along and having a good time until I wonder where we are going.
Y/n: Dani, where are we getting food?
D: I don't know, you will have to wait and see.
Y/n: Ugh, you know I am bad with surprises no I'm gonna keep badgering you until you tell me.
The rest of the ride I am trying to get Daniel to tell me where we are going, until I notice we pull into *your favorite restaurant*.
Y/n: Omg, Dani I haven't been here in forever.
I look over at him with a big smile and he returns a smile too.

We head inside the restaurant and get to a table. I noticed Dani took a while to come to the table. When the hostess told us to follow her he said he would be there in a minute. I was wondering what he was doing, but just let it go. He eventually came over to the table. We ordered out drinks, then our food and soon they came. I got my favorite dish from this restaurant. Soon we are just talking when some of the employees come over to our table clapping and holding a dessert in their hands. They set it down in front of me and start singing happy birthday and some people from other tables join in. Dani and I were laughing the whole time they were singing. Once they left I split the dessert with him.
Y/n: I see your pulling the old tricks like we used to.
D: Well I mean who doesn't love a free dessert.
Y/n: That's true. I missed hanging out with you.
D: Me too, but now we can hang out a lot more.

Before I left for school, we would always come to this restaurant. We also loved to get the free dessert so every time we come here, we say that its one of our birthdays.

We got up and left the restaurant. Daniel payed even though i was trying to fight him to pay. I said that next time I'm paying. Then we turn on music and begin to head back home.

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