Part 22

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We walked out to the parking lot and after a few minutes of Daniel and Anna fighting over who i ride with, I got into Anna's car so that we wouldn't be late. After all it was supposed to be a girls day.

After driving we pulled into Anna's driveway and we went inside so that she could put her new clothes away in her room. Daniel also arrived and came into the house too. As I was going to walk downstairs to go to my house where everyone else was, I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me into where Daniel's room used to be. It was Daniel of course.
Y/n: You got to stop doing that to me. One of these times I will slap you.
D: Shhhhh
Daniel put his finger on my lips signaling me to be quiet, then I heard Anna.
A: Y/n? Whered you go? She must have already gone over to her house.
Anna talked to herself then left the house. When I turned back to face Daniel he smashed his lips onto mine surprising me at first, but then I kissed back after a few seconds. Our lips were moving in sync and it lasted a few minutes. Before it went any further I pulled away which made Daniel frown.
Y/n: We have to go over there before anyone get suspicious.
D: One more please?
He asked with a pout on his face.
Y/n: We can't right now, maybe later.
I winked when I said that and walked off before Daniel caught up with me and we walked over to my house.

We walked in the door together and said hello to everyone who was in the kitchen. Anna and Lindsay were upstairs along with Christian, so we went upstairs to join them.
Y/n: Hey
A: So whered you go? I thought you were over here already. I though Daniel was too.
L: Just think for a second Anna.
A:.....Oh, nevermind
D: What?
A: I get it you two were having a "moment" werent you?
She put air quotes around moment and both of our faces went red. Luckily Christian spared both of us by changing the subject.
C: So how much longer are you staying Y/n?
Y/n: Actually I needed to talk to all of you about this. I decided to extend my time here cause I missed you all so much! I really want to spend more time with all of you before I move away again.
All: Really?
Y/n: Yesss, I cant wait to spend it with you guys!
D: I'm so excited!
L&A: Cant wait
C: this is great news!
L: I think we need a group hug now.
They all lean in and squish me as they are hugging me. After that we talk a while longer until we are called for dinner.

We all went downstairs for dinner. I sat next to Daniel and Anna. All of us joked around and shared old stories and memories. It felt like old times when we would have many dinners like this all the time. After dinner, we all sat in the livingroom and watched a movie. I was walking past Daniel to sit by Anna and Lindsay, but he pulled me back to sit next to him and we cuddled through the whole movie which gave me butterflies. I also felt safe and happy as we cuddled. We both fell asleep on the couch during the movie and i wakeup to some whispering around me. I open my eyes slowly and see my mom, Keri, Anna, Lindsay, and Christian taking pictures of Daniel and i asleep on the couch. I shake Daniel awake and he sits up instantly and rubbed his eyes.
K: Daniel, we are all headed over to the house. You can stay the night if you want.
Y/n: You can stay here if you want too.
D: Are you sure?
M: Of course Daniel you are welcome anytime.
D: Ill just stay here mom, see you tomorrow.

Daniel and I walk upstairs to my room. I pull back the covers and he instantly flops down on the bed since he is tired. I just laughed then grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. I changed and got ready for bed then came back out to my room and saw Daniel in the same place where I left him. I smiled seeing how peaceful he looked. I turned out the lights and layed down in my bed right next to him. I ran my hand through his hair which caused him to wake up again. He rolled over so he was facing me, i gave him a kiss on the cheek and closed my eyes to sleep until I felt a hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Daniel lean his head in. He placed a gentle passionate kiss on my lips before putting his arms around me to hold me.
D: You promised i would get a kiss later, so there it is.
I smiled when he said that knowing that he remembered what i said.
Y/n: Goodnight Seavey
D: Goodnight Y/l/n

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