Part 21

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I wake up the next morning and get out of bed to get ready for my day. I have a million thoughts running through my head of all that has happened this past week and a half. Daniel, my dad, Anna, Parker. Just everything that has impacted me positively or negatively. I shower quickly then sit down at my desk while looking out my window at the empty room in the house across from my window where my bestfriend used to always be. I have actually been thinking since a few days ago that I might stay longer in Portland and delay going back to college in LA for a little bit so I can focus on my family and friends and spending a lot of time with them before I leave again. I need to build bigger bonds with them so i dont lose them once I go back to college like I already did with Dani once. I end up making the decision to stay longer and go tell my family downstairs. I figured I would just surprise Daniel with the news later. My mom is cleaning the house right now for when the Seavey's come over for dinner too.
Y/n: Hey mom!
M: Hey, what are you up to today?
Y/n: I will probably go shopping, but I don't know yet. I also wanted to tell you something
M: What is it?
Y/n: Im staying for a few more weeks!
M: Really! Im so happy right now!!
Y/n: I wanted to see if i can spend time with dad if he comes home and I missed being here with my friends and family.
M: Im so excited, I can't wait to spend more time with you!
Y/n: I can't either! Im going to see if Anna can go to the mall with me now.
M: Okay, have fun! Dont be late for dinner.

I go over next door to the Seavey house and walk in the front door. As I am walking to the stairs I say hi to Keri and Jeff quickly who are sitting in the living room, then continue to Annas room. I walk in her door and see her laying on her bed typing on her phone.
Y/n: Hey Anna!
A: I didn't know you were coming over today.
Y/n: I didn't either, but I wanted to go to the mall and I know how much you love shopping.
A: Damn Y/n, right when I was trying not to spend money.
Y/n: Well i can go without you I gue-
A: NO! I mean no, i'm coming let me change real quick and then we will go.
I laugh to myself while she finds different clothes to change into.

Once Anna changes, we head out to her car and get in. We soon arrive at the mall after a 15 minute drive and go to H&M first. We try on some clothes there and buy a few things before we head over to Forever 21 to look for some more clothes. I am looking around at some shirts I saw when 2 arms wrap around my waist. I scream a little and quickly turn around ready to defend myself. When I turn around I see Daniel laughing so hard that he cant breathe. I punch him in the arm as I am trying to catch my breath cause he scared the shit out of me.
A: Y/n, i heard someone scream was that y-
She has a confused look on her face as she looks from me to Daniel. I was still catching my breath from Daniel scaring me.
A: Daniel? What are you doing here. Its girls day. Did you invite him Y/n?
Y/n: Do i look like i knew he was coming?
Daniel laughs at my comment then explains.
D: I saw you guys walk in here so I wanted to come join you guys.
Y/n: You could have just said my name or something you didnt have to scare me like that.
D: Oh, come on. You look cute when your scared by the way.
He smirks after saying that while I blush and Anna rolls her eyes.
A: Save that for when i'm not here.
She says as she walks away to continue shopping.
I go back to looking at my shirts when Daniel comes up behind me again and wraps his arms around my waist. I know its him this time so i dont do anything about it.
D: What are you shopping for?
Y/n: I'm just looking around im not really here for anything, just thought I would go shopping with Anna.
I try to move, but Daniel is still holding onto me, so I take his arms out from around me and intertwine our fingers while I walk to the changing rooms. Anna is also at the changing rooms too and she already tried stuff on so they were just waiting on me.

I let go of Daniels hand so I could go in to try stuff on, I didnt want to let go of it but I had to. After a fee minutes I tried all my clothes on except one shirt. I couldnt decide if I liked it or not, so I went to ask Anna, I saw Daniel staring at me. I just chuckled and let it go, then asked Anna for an opinion. She loved it so I got it. After we payed for our clothes we had to go because it was almost time for dinner.

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