1 - Perfect, Photogenic & Past

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Pretty - Attractive in a delicate way
Precarious - Fraught with danger
Prohibited - Forbidden; banned

"Pristine Terrance!"

"It's Prystne!" I shout. No one ever gets it right. Your parents add an 'E' to the end and now everyone pronounces it pristine. It's pronounced "Priss-tin."

I stand up and adjust my jacket over my shoulders and walk out the door opened by a guard for me. "Thanks Bart," I mutter passing him. Two officers escort me to the front where I pick up my belongings.

"Free at last. See you next week boys!" I push open the doors and make my way outside. A limousine out front waiting for me. "Thanks Jeff," I smile widely as he opens the door for me. I toss my bag inside and slide in.

An hour and a half of napping later we reach my house. Perks of partying outside the town and getting thrown in a jail. "Thanks Jeff!" I open the door before he can and head straight to the front door. I already know I'm about to hear an earful from my parents.

I plunge open the front door. "I'm back bitches!" I scream as I walk into the foyer. "Prystyne, what the hell is wrong with you. Are you still drunk!" My lovely mother scolds (don't take lovely too literal). She should know, she called to bail me out. I struggle to take off my shoes stumbling over onto my butt.

"Just a little bit," I whisper pinching my thumb and forefinger together. She shakes her head disapprovingly. She tends to do that a lot.

I lean my head back against the wall and close my eyes. "Mom! Is that..." they begin whispering but I don't care. It's the same thing everyday. How vile and atrocious I am. How my life is going downhill and I am soon to be the failure of this family.

And I am.

No point in denying it. My eyes snap open feeling a tug on my arm. "Penn if you don't get your hands off me!" I shout. Penn is my faternal twin brother. The virtuous son of a bitch child. He's perfect, my parents love him.

"Come on Prystyne. How many times are you going to do this," he grumbles under his breath. Eventually I give in and he lifts me off the floor. He slides my arm over his shoulders and I lean onto him for support while we walk.

"Goodnight bitch!" I scream. "Shhhhhhh!" Both my mother and Penn shush me. Losers. After five minutes of limping, falling and breathing breaks we finally made it to my room. See living in a mansion is great; until you realize you have to walk everywhere.

"Alright. Go to sleep!" He drops me onto my bed. I crawl into the sheets further. I feel a heavy blanket sprawled across my body.

"Goodnight Penny," I mumble into my pillow.

"Goodnight Prys," he replies. I hear the door close and sleep wins the battle against my brain. A darkness taking over.


A blazing light hitting my closed eyes. I reach for the covers pulling them over my head. "Argh! Alice if you don't close the fucking blinds," I grumble. Alice is my maid but she works under my parents.

"No can do Miss. Prystyne, parents orders. They would like you downstairs in 15 minutes for breakfast. They have news they'd like to share with you," Alice informs. I mumble a few incoherent 'yeahs' into my pillow. My plan is to stay in bed as long as possible.

Until I feel the bile rise in my throat. I immediately head straight to my ensuite. My knees bend just in time as my torso leans over the toilet and I begin puking. "Alice bring me asprin!" I croak out in between retches. I have a killer headache.

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