6 - Detention, Drugs & Disappointments

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~ Into It - Chase Atlantic ~

"You should seriously consider doing the work. Mr. Turner will fail you," Levi informs as we walk to the dining hall. We just had business class. I didn't turn in the homework we were supposed to do. Hell, I didn't even do it.

I pat Levi's shoulder twice. "Lee, I'm fine. Trust me, even if I fail. I couldn't care less," I assure walking in the lunch line. He shakes his head and hands me a lunch tray.

We reach to pick up the lunch food. "Prys you should at least try the work. The tests are hard and I mean really hard. The work helps," he explains. We make our way to the lunch table where Heath, Tag and Maya are sitting.

"I'd rather not," I shrug.

"I can help you if you need," he says sitting next to Maya. I sit on the other side of Maya in between Tag, across from Heath as always.

I notice Heath with a book in one hand and a pen in the other while a notebook sits in front of him. "I doubt Prys needs help with work," he mutters while writing something down.

"She hasn't been doing any assignments and doesn't pay attention in class. She's going to fail the test," Maya informs. Heath looks up from his work at me.

"She has a photographic memory. Give her a textbook and she'll memorize it in seconds," Heath says. The group snaps their heads to me.

I take a bite of my salad before setting my fork back down. "It's true. But I don't care to do the work. What're you doing H," I ask motioning to his work.

I reach into my bag looking for something. "Romeo and Juliet? We are supposed to read it for class. Have you seriously not done the work?" He asks. I shake my head.

"I read Romeo and Juliet when I was eight. I think I'll be fine. Same sappy bullshit ending as always," I pull out a bag of six pills and my water bottle.

If anything I'm surprised Heath is taking his school work seriously. He never used too. "Tell me about it. What is that?"

I hold up the bag of pills in my hand. "Percocet. Want one," I take two out and swallow it with water. The bag is snatched from my hand.

"Shit Prys, you can't be flaunting that around you're going to get in trouble," Tag says. I shrug and open my bag back up for him to put it in.

"Why are you taking percs?" Levi asks.

"Have a headache," I lie. I don't really need to explain myself. I continue eating my salad hoping they'll change the subject soon.

"What ibuprofen isn't good enough for you," Maya snorts.

"Like the way percs makes me feel I guess. Anyways, why are you taking notes?" I ask Heath. He looks at me weirdly before clearing his throat. "For class. She told us to," he reminds me.

I think about it for a second trying to remember. I should pay more attention in class. "Oh," is all I can think to respond with.


"Miss Terrance why aren't you doing the work or reading?" My English teacher asks. I forget her name. I look up from my doodling to face her.

"It's Romeo and Juliet," I point out.

"And? You still need to do the work," she says.

I scrunch my face up and adjust myself in my chair. "With all due respect- actually fuck that I don't really care about respect. Anyways, as I was saying Romeo and Juliet is the same bullshit. I read it almost ten years ago, the ending is the same and the work is stupid," I mutter. She looks shocked by my actions hugging the book to her chest.

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