28 - Edibles, Essays & Everyone

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Heath hasn't said anything to me all week. I tried talking to him but he's upset with me. I honestly think I'm starting to like him now.

But that doesn't mean I want him.

We all plan on studying at the library today. So that's where I'm going. The library. We all have essays for classes and colleges.

But I'm not applying to college.

I make my way to the library in our spot where Heath is the only one here. He looks up at me before looking back to his phone.

I sigh sitting next to him. "Heath I'm sorry. Please talk to me," I beg. And I never beg.

"I am talking to you," he mutters staring at his phone screen. I take his phone from his hand. He reaches for it but I hold it behind my back.

I reach my arm out as far as possible. He leans towards me reaching for his phone. Our eyes lock as he's centimetres away from my face. We only live once right?

I kiss him.

I can tell his hands dropped feeling them on my thighs. He kisses back and relief flashes all over my body. His hands slowly moving up my thighs. My hands lock at the back of his next.

Our tongues fighting for dominance. I feel his fingers loop around my belt loops tugging me closer to him. I end up sliding in my seat moving towards him by his force. I pull away out of breath with a small laugh.

He places his head on my forehead wanting to get as close as possible to me. "I'm sorry," I smile sheepishly. He pecks my lips before pulling away.

"Forgiven," he accepts.

I hear clapping. Our heads snap behind us where Maya, Ajax, Tag and Levi are all watching. Coffee, donuts and muffins in their hands.

"Oh my god," I shield my face with my hands hiding myself from the embarrassment.

"That was quite a show," Tag mutters.

"Shut up," Heath says.

"Hey have any of you guys started your essay yet?" I ask. They all shake their heads no. I smirk. "I have a challenge. If you're up for it?"

"What is it? First one done?" Levi asks.

I pick up my bag placing it on my lap. "With a twist," I snicker to myself. I take out little packages and toss everyone one.

"Edibles?" Maya questions.

I nod. "These ones should take 45 minutes to an hour to kick in. Basically the first one to finish their essay before the edible hits, wins," I explain.

"Prize?" Levi asks.

"One free appropriate favour from each loser. If you're down," I answer.

"I'm down," Heath rips open the edible.

I place my hand on his arm stopping him from eating it. "Who's in?" Everyone else rips open theirs. "Alright bottoms up!"

We all ingest them before getting to work. For the next fifteen minutes we begin working. "How far are you guys?" Ajax asks.

"Uhh halfway almost," I mumble as I try to finish my paragraph. Maya grabs my laptop.

"What the hell I'm on my second paragraph. Barely!" She exclaims. I take back my laptop.

"I'm still choosing a font. But I have my introduction done," Tag says.

"What kind of essay are you writing?" I ask.

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