12 - Challenges, Coping & Cigarettes

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~ Temptations - Ryan Trey ~

"I am in deed almost half a day sober bitches and I hate it," I announce sitting down.

"I bet you can't go sober for the rest of the week," Heath challenges. I raise my brow. I love challenges.

"Is that a challenge?"

He scoffs. "Only if you can complete it." I look around the table.

"Alright all five of us. Sobriety challenge. Last one to stay sober wins. First ones out get a punishment," I declare.

"What kind of punishment?" Maya asks.

I think about it for a second. "I don't know. A dare made by the winner. Come on it'll be fun we all pay the winner $50," I encourage. Even if I don't need the $50.

"I'm in," Tag volunteers as soon as he hears a price. "Same," Levi agrees. "Easy," Maya adds.

I look at Heath. "What's wrong Mr. Perfect. Can't stay sober," I taunt. He rolls his eyes.

"I'm in," he states.

"Good. Honours code. If you take anything, report back. You're out. No alcohol, drugs, lean, weed, etcetera. Got it?" I ask looking around at everyone. They all nod their heads accordingly.

"Good. Be ready to lose bitches," I smirk. The bell rings. Biology. We all get out and separate heading to our classes.

"Good luck winning," Heath whispers, walking by my side. I shoot him a wink before walking in the class. I head to the back and take a seat. I need a distraction. I begin listening to the teacher's lesson even though I already know this.

"Stop," Heath whispers.

"Stop what?" I ask, staring at the board.

"Bouncing your leg and clicking your pen. Why're you so tense," he asks. I glance back at him, he seems relaxed. "Thought you could stop anytime you could without any complications."

"Well, to complicate is to make something more difficult or confusing. I wouldn't exactly say the leg bouncing and pen clicking is a complexity in this situation," I explain.

"Coping mechanism?" He states as a question.

"Bingo!" The teacher stops talking. I grab my textbook and notebook out of my bag. My notebook, fresh, hasn't been touched since I bought it.

I open it and begin doing the work. "I perceive this right here is a coping mechanism too," Heath leans down watching me work. I turn my head to face him.

"Anything that steers the brain away from certain thoughts," I say referring to drugs. I sit up straight.

"You aren't going to last," Heath chuckles deeply.

"I am. I can. I just need to keep my brain focused on stuff like work. See done," I hold up my finished work. Now what?

A hand is placed on my knee restricting me from bouncing anymore. I look back at Heath with a glare. "Withdrawal," he says. I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to make me think about it.

I push his hand off my knee. "Heath if you don't shut up. Do your work," I tell him.

"Need help," he pouts. I roll my eyes and toss him my answers. He shakes his head. He grabs my stool from under and pulls me closer to him.

My hands grab onto his shirt to stop me from falling. "What the hell is wrong with you. Heath I'm not helping you just look at my answers," I let go of him. He lifts up a pen and holds it out to me.

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