16 - Gorgeous, Goddamn & Game

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~ Girls Need Love - Summer Walker - Drake ~

I change into a short mid-thigh reach, low neckline, dark navy blue dress with a layer of lace dress. I touch up my current makeup with some eyeliner and lipstick.

I hear the doorbell ring and immediately run out of my room. I rush down the stairs and open it out of breath. "Ma!" A gorgeous curly headed girl shouts. Jade holds her out and I pick her up in my arms.

"Happy thanksgiving!" Jade greets. I give her a hug. She closes the door behind her and we walk upstairs back to my room.

"Oh thank gosh you're here. They are going insane," I begin explaining to Jade everything that happened since I've got here.

We sit on my bed while I attempt to play patty cake with Harmony on my lap. "So. Do you like Heath?" She asks. "Oh! You definitely do. I saw that," she says referring to my face's shift in emotion.

"No. Of course not. Well, I don't know. All he wants to do is F-U-C-K," I spell out while making faces with Harmony.

Jade raises a brow. "And you want more?" She asks. I shake my head.

"No. I don't do relationships you know this," I remind her. She rolls her eyes. We both snap our eyes to the door hearing a knock.

"Dinner is ready Miss Prystyne and Miss Jade," Alice informs.

"Alright. I need to use the bathroom. Take Harmony with you," Jade gets up walking into my ensuite. I pick up Harmony holding her on my hip.

Careful not to mess up or crinkle her beautiful pink dress. I walk out of my room at the same time as Heath walks out of the guest bedroom. Slacks, a navy blue crewneck and a white collar sticking out from under.

"Someone looks hot. Meet my daughter Harmony," I walk over to him. He bends down and tickles her. Harmony giggles which is surprising. She's usually shy with new people.

"Hey gorgeous," he says.

"She's gorgeous isn't she?" I smile adjusting Harmony on my hip. Heath looks up at me. "I was talking to you. Harmony is gorgeous too," he adds.

"Yeah I could cut the sexual tension with a dull knife. Wifey, hand me my kid." I turn around at the sudden voice. I hear Heath chuckle behind me.

"Shut up," I grumble holding Harmony close to me. Her little hands wrap around my neck and she kisses my cheek.

Jade laughs in return. "Jade, nice to finally meet the famous Heath," Jade holds out her hand. Heath smiles, shaking it.

"Famous huh," he says glancing at me.

"She means infamous. You notorious bastard. Anyways we are going to be late for dinner," I begin walking down the stairs.

The two others follow behind me. We walk into the dining room where everyone is already seated. "You're late," Ryan clears his throat.

"I'm early somewhere," I mumble. I sit down across from Penn, Sam, Lisa and my mother. Heath takes a seat next to me while Jade sits on the other side of me. A maid brings out a high chair which we sit between Jade and I.

They bring in three different kinds of salads. I stick with good ole' classic caesar salad. Mainly because I don't like any of the others.

A throat clears and heads turn to my dad. "Grades?" He asks. I think about how to reply. I have a zero on assignments and homework but 100s on tests.

"Pretty good. You'll see my report come Christmas break," I tell him. He nods going back to his food.

"Heath?" Lisa says.

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