53 - Broken, Baby & Bye

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~ Every Kind of Way - H.E.R ~

Heath's POV
I move around trying to get comfortable and groan in pain. A nurse walks in. "Didn't you just check my vitals?" I question.

I had to be admitted to the hospital. After punching Derek a fight broke out. Security guards had to hold me and Ajax down. It took four of them just to sedate us. Four each. The ones Derek paid for. Afterwards they took me out back so Derek could finish his job.

They needed six guards just to hold me down. I got my ass kicked. Derek also threatened me again but this time worse. Penn is pissed but I couldn't give a shit what he thinks.

The nurse hands me an envelope. "From Miss Terrance. You are not allowed to tell anyone I gave it to you," she says holding it out.

I sit up ignoring the blazing pain. "Yeah thanks. I won't, don't worry," I assure. She nods before leaving. Prystyne had her phone taken away. She has no communication with the world outside her room and I know she hates it.

The others had to go back to school. I got a doctor's note. Ajax wasn't hurt by Derek. If he was I would kill Derek with my bare hands.

I tear open the envelope and take out the paper. She wrote me a letter...

Heath Kade...
Hi, it's me. Prystyne. I don't really know how to write this but I'll just write what I've been wanting to tell you.

Remember our first kiss? We were high on weed. After kissing you, I knew I was fucked. Not because I didn't like you. Because of this weird feeling you made me feel. Maybe saying I hate you was easier than trying to figure out what my feelings were.

The more teasing, the more tension and kisses we shared, drew me in faster than ever. I wasn't even sure if you actually liked me or were messing with me. Safe to say it's not messing around anymore.

I'm stalling...

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ran off for drugs. I wasn't thinking straight as soon as I found out I headed to my room. To calm down. I turned my room upside down and found an old stash I didn't even know I had.

I should've come to you instead.

Because you help me get rid of this pain I can't manage on my own. You heal me. You help me. And I love that.

I know you say your parents and sister wouldn't think you're perfect. But that doesn't matter. Believe me when I say you are. Perfect to me. Perfect for me.

You deserve the world. I'm being sent away and I understand if you don't want to wait for me. A year is a long time. I expect to get out when I'm 18. I'll fight in court for it. Or early release on good behaviour. Anything that brings me closer to you the fastest. But I won't be mad if you found someone else. Three hundred and sixty five days is a long time.

But I want to tell you how I feel first.

You mean the world to me. I never believed in soulmates at first. I thought they were stupid. But maybe I was just stupid because I'm starting to believe in them now. You make me the happiest, I wish I was laying in your arms right now.

Maya told me how much you fought to see me. Keep eating, keep sleeping and keep drinking water. You're going to need your energy for the things I want to do to you ;)

I'm not forgetting about you. You're not losing me this easy Heath baby. You told me penguins mate for life and asked if I'll be your penguin. I will be. I am your Penguin. I'm always going to remember the memories we had, nothing in this world would make me forget them.

I'm crazy about you. I can't get enough of you. You're like a drug. My favourite drug. I'm addicted. I'm addicted to the taste of your lips. The smell of you cologne. The sound of your laugh. The sight of your smile. The feel of you holding me. All of it.

I want to overdose on you.

Not these stupid pills. They may give me relief for a second or two. But coming down is the worse part.

With you I feel good. While I'm sad I still feel good. Because with you I know everything is going to be okay.

This isn't goodbye. More like see you later. I'm not letting our families get in the way of something so beautiful. Something they don't know about, something they don't understand.

I hate that I'm leaving you so much. They say love fucks you up more than drugs do. I've been fucked up on drugs and I've been fucked up on love. Especially now that I'm forced to leave you.

And they're right. Love fucks you up more than drugs ever will.

Those days in the mental hospital was hell. I went three weeks without speaking to you. Four weeks without seeing you, touching you. I hated it.

I'm sorry I messed up again. I miss you so fucking much. It hurts so bad not to be able to see you when you're two floors down.

I'm leaving today. I'm getting sent back. There's no convincing my parents otherwise.

By the time you're reading this I'll probably be gone.

I fell for you. Hard. You mean everything to me. Never forget that. I want you right now but I can't. I'm forced to stay away from you but we both know that's not going to happen.

It's not goodbye! Goodbyes are forever.

Later Heath Baby...

Love Yours, Penguin Baby

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