29 - Beauty, Beast & Bets

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~ Talk Dirty - Jason Derulo - 2Chainz ~

"I'm not going," I declare.

"Yeah me neither. Not my thing," Tag says.

"Pleaseeee. It'll be fun guys I promise," Maya pleads.

"Come on guys. Let's just go for Maya, it can't be that bad," Levi assures.

"Whipped!" Tag coughs into his elbow. Maya didn't notice but by Levi's glare he definitely did.

I let out a sigh. "Fine. We're all going," I smile. Maya squeals out of excitement.

"Not me," Ajax and Heath say simultaneously.

I stare at them both. "Yeah you guys are. Or Mr. Hot Dog is going to meet Mrs. Scissors," I threaten. They both immediately sit up clearing their throat.

"What play is it again?" Ajax asks. I smile complacent.

"Beauty and the beast. My favouriteeee," Maya drawls. She's been begging us all day to go to the play the school is hosting tonight.

The bell rings and we all stand up. "Sitting at the back," Tag points at Maya who nods.


"Alright, maybe I'm thinking this might be fun," Ajax says holding a bunch of junk food in his hand as he walks up the stairs to the back of the auditorium.

"That's 'cause you're a fatass who loves food," I laugh. We made it to the back row and all sat down. I sit in between Maya and Tag. Levi on the other side of Maya while Ajax and Heath sit on the other side of Tag.

We talk while the crowd fills up with many people. Can't believe people actually pay for this stuff. Eventually they start and I'm beginning to fall asleep.

It's not that the play is boring but it's just, yeah boring. The acting sucks. The row we are sitting in only consists of us six fortunately.

"Alright, I'm bored. Let's play dares," I turn to the group.

"I'm in," Tag is the first to agree. The others nod.

I look at Maya. "I don't know. I don't want to get in trouble," she whispers.

"We won't," I assure her. Honestly we probably will. "Here we'll do it fair," I pull out my phone and quickly download an app. I enter everyone's names before pressing random letting my phone choose one of us.

It lands on Tag. "Choose someone to do a dare now," I whisper to him. He looks around before his eyes land locked on Levi's.

"Call your ex. Speaker phone," he's quick to dare.

Levi rolls his eyes. "What happens if I don't do the dare?"

"$50 to each person," I say.

"Fuck, fine," he takes out his phone and searches through his contact. He finds his latest ex and hits the call button on speaker phone.


Levi looks at us and we motion with our hands for him to continue. "Uhh hey Ella. It's me, Levi," he says nervously.

"Why the fuck are you calling my phone!" She fumes. Levi immediately turns the volume down. Tag has his hands over his mouth trying his hardest not to laugh.

"I just wanted to ask what's up," he says. She hangs up. "She's kind of crazy," Levi laughs it off. We all laugh with him.

"Who's next?" Maya asks. I use my phone to pick out another name. Maya's name pops up and I show her the screen on my phone. "Ummm Ajax. Go get a girls number from the crowd."

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