17 - Ajax, Always & Addicts

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~ Swim - Chase Atlantic ~

"Come on! Come on! Heath's best friend is back from jail and I really want to see him," Maya begs. I quickly finish scrunching my curls. I finally revived them after my straight hair.

I walk out seeing Maya hold up my bag. "What the hell. Your curls are so pretty," Maya reaches for my curls but I smack her hand away.

"Look, no touch. You know how long I spent reviving this beauty," I take my backpack for her. "But thank you," I hold the door open for her and we walk out.

"So don't you know Heath's friend? Didn't you hangout with them last summer?" I ask.

"Nooo," she groans. "Stupid parents wanted me home. But Levi and Tag love him apparently!"

I nod listening to her as we walk to the dining hall. "So why'd he go to jail?" I ask. I have ten million exes well, ex-acquaintances who have been to jail. For everything murder, drunk driving, assault, possession of firearm. I doubt Heath's friend will scare me.

"I don't know. Oooh there! Let's go!" Maya runs through the cafeteria straight to the table. I spot five people.

As I get closer the new person begins looking very familiar. A little too familiar. I slowly turn around and begin walking back towards the doors.

"Prystyne! Come meet my best friend!" I hear Heath yell from across the cafeteria. I slowly turn back around on my heels.

"Umm I'm good thanks!" I shout back.

"Prystyne! Get over here!" Tag yells.

"No," I start walking off again. Out of nowhere I feel myself being lifted off my feet. "Heath please. Put me down!" I plead.

"Why are you acting so weird," he mutters.

He places me back on my feet. I look at the well known person in front of me. Dark skin, his kinky hair sectioned and braided, it's grown out a lot, smooth clear skin. "Prystyne," his deep voice says.

"Ajax," I reciprocate. He stands up and engulfs me in a huge hug. I can't help but smell his familiar cologne and hug back tightly.

Once we pull away the others stare at us. "You two know each other?" Levi asks.

"Uhh, yeah. Ahah," I laugh awkwardly. I walk around the table and sit in between Maya and Tag. Heath and Ajax take a seat in front of us. Levi sits on the other side of Maya as per usual.

"How?" Levi asks.

"Ex-girlfriend," Ajax gestures to me.

"Ex-boyfriend," I gesture back to Ajax.

"Well damn," Tag mutters.

"Wait but Ajax was with us this summer," Levi points out.

"Not 24/7. Plus we've known each other since before summer," Ajax explains. I look up at Heath who just seems confused. I hate that I can't tell what he is thinking.

"Aww. How long did you guys date for?" Maya coos.

"God," I mutter under my breath. Ajax laughs. "Like on and off two almost three years," I shrug not really knowing. I reach forward and grab Ajax's food tray. I take the cup of grapes before sliding him back the rest of his food. I know he doesn't mind.

"Always taking my food," Ajax playfully rolls his eyes.

I toss a grape at him. "Always complaining," I mimic his playful eye roll while popping a grape in my mouth.

"Aww you guys are so cute. Why'd you break up?" Maya asks.

The bell rings. "Saved by the bell. Come on Heath, biology!" I exclaim. He gets up and does a short bro-shake with Ajax.

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