43 - Hannah, Highlights & Home

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~ Practice - Drake ~

I haven't got the chance to open the penguin yet. I made another suicidal joke along the lines of we should watch 13 reasons why. And reenact it so I can be Hannah Baker. Yeah, I was forced to stay another week, on suicide watch and someone has to watch me at all times. Even when I sleep!

Once they decided I wasn't a harm to myself, which was today, they let me sleep in my room alone again. The back of it, open it. Pull the string. I remember Heath's words.

I sit the stuffed penguin in my lap and turn it around. My hand feels down where a human spine would be. I find a loose string and pull it. Parts of the Penguin fur undoes and reveals a tiny zipper.

I'm only able to reach my fingers in it. "Sorry Pengs," I mumble, feeling around in his stuffing. My hand touches something cool. I loop my finger around it and pull it out.

A white gold chain with a small key pendant. The key embedded with diamonds. My eyes glance back to the penguin, a small paper sticking out.

I pull out the sticky note. Wait till you find out what this key unlocks. The front reads with an arrow. Probably something cheesy like his heart. I flip it over. And not my heart. I'm not saying that cheesy bullshit. I laugh lightly as I read his note.

I place everything back in the bear. I don't want to get in trouble. We aren't allowed necklaces. One more day left, one more.


"Don't do it," Drake whispers.

"I leave in like two hours. What are they going to do? Wren what do you think?" I ask looking up at him.

He smirks, his arms crossed over his chest. "Do it," he says. I turn back around and toss my chicken burger and the back of Tammy's head.

I quickly turn back around and pretend to eat the fries. Tammy begins walking around the room. "Prystyne. Where's your burger?" She asks.

I place my hand over my stomach. "I ate it. It was just so good, you know," I lie. This food is the blandest shit ever. I can't wait till I get back. Even the cafeteria food at Wesley is better than this shit.

Tammy stares at me for a few seconds before walking off. Wren, Drake and I all laugh. Jordyn left us a while ago. But the three of us have so much fun.

Wren and Drake both leave on the same day. Hopefully they reach out to me. All of us have had the best time. "Alright who wants to pick what game we play next?" I hear one of the nurses ask. An idea shoots to mind.

"Do not say it," Wren scolds. He already knows what I'm about to say. I open my mouth to speak but Drake interrupts first.

"You don't want to stay another week. Do you?"

"I mean, it's fun here with you guys," I point out.

"Yeah but don't you want to see your hot boyfriend Heath," Drake teases. I roll my eyes.

"Not my boyfriend. And yes, I want to see him," I groan in annoyance. I lost my mail privileges which means if he sent me anything else, I wasn't allowed to receive it.

I hate this place. I haven't spoken to Heath since our phone call. Three weeks ago. I miss him so much. I should've listened when he told me to stop making jokes. I could've seen him two weeks ago.

Or at least get the chance to make another phone call. But noooo, stupid mouth. They put me down for a few extra days but since I'm "cooperating" with my therapist so well, I get early leave.

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