Chapter 14

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We passed 1K..🥳🥳

Jungkook went out to the garden of the Kim mansion. Jimin said he would come after a little while. He asked Chin Hae and Jungkook to go to their houses if they want as he wanted to spend some time with Taehyung. But both of the other males said they would also wait. Chin Hae had to wait because Mr Kim wanted to talk about business, and Jungkook decided to wait because of... you know why.

" Chim.."    The pretty male who was now sat on the sofa called his best friend.

" Yeah?"   Jimin said without taking his eyes off from the baby who was playing alone on his cot sheet.

" Is he someone you know?"  Taehyung questioned.

Jimin frowned a little and turned towards his friend.  " Who?   Jungkook?"   He asked to which he got a nod from the other one.

"Yeah.  Why Tae?"  Jimin asked casually like he didn't ever wanted to say anything about Jungkook to his friend.

"No... He.. looks somewhat familiar.."   Taehyung murmured softly. He then gave a little angelic smile to Jimin and turned towards his baby again.

"Wow.. Jungkook-ssi was right. This is a good way to take Tae's attention. When Tae get to know him... he will gradually start talking with Jungkook-ssi without us forcing him. It may be not because Tae thinks of him as anyone apart from their driver, but at least now Jungkook-ssi can work on it step by step.. "  Jimin celebrated their first step in his mind.

When the three of them were about to leave, Taehyung also came out while holding his son in his hands. It took Jungkook's all willpower to not keep looking at the pretty male.

He couldn't believe that who would be  so stupid and cruel to hurt a delicate flower like this.

"We'll get going now Tae..    Bye my little cupcake...!"  Jimin said the last part in a high pitched voice while waving both of his hands infront of the baby's face who tried to catch his hands while giggling loudly.

"We'll get going young master.."   Jungkook said to Taehyung, in the softest way he could while his heart hammering in his chest.  Taehyung gave his usual gentle smile to the older male and nodded his head.

Jungkook felt like he's about to blast from happiness because Kim Taehyung looked at him in the eyes and smiled!

He somehow managed his posture and turned towards the little baby who was munching on his mommy's collar. He waved his hand signaling bye. To his surprise, the baby squeaked and moved his hands here and there while smiling brightly. The little two front teeth were visible.

"Oh! Seems like he already became friends with Jungkook!" Jimin laughed. Taehyung also approved it with a little smile, but this time that smile was directed at the floor.

They all bid good bye and started the engine of the car.

"Now what are you planning to do? "  Chinhae, who was silent the most of the time asked Jungkook.

"Nothing.. I'm just going to do my new job."  Jungkook said.

"Then? How are you going to approach Taehyung?"  Chin Hae questioned again.

"It will happen naturally... eventually.. "  Jungkook bit his lip after averting his eyes from his friend.
Chin Hae looked disappointed.

"Look Jungook-"

"Please Chin Hae.. I know you're worried. But let me try this..  I promise I won't mess up any of my works.. I'll handle. I'll manage.   Help me in this man.."   Jungkook cut his friend off before he could say  anything.

Chin Hae let out a loud sigh. " I don't know kook. " He looked out from the window.  "  But I wouldn't stop you from doing this if you feel it's the right thing to do. "   Chin Hae said and then looked  at his brother who nodded his head reassuringly.

"Jimin is it okay if I park my car at your place when I come here? I can't risk them seeing me coming here by my car. "

"It's not a problem to me Jungkook-ssi.. But what if Taehyung see it one day? Or.. Somebody else.."  Jimin said and quickly took a glance at Jungkook before focusing on the road again.

"I'll be careful. "  Jungkook said.

"You won't have to suffer for too long. I know Tae very well. He'll feel something. Even though he hadn't experience love, he knows what love is."  Jimin said to Jungkook, making him smile unintentionally.

"The little one is also really cute!"  Jungkook said, this time smiling ear to ear which made both of the other males laugh.

This is it. Jungkook never thought he would fall in love again. And absolutely never thought he would fall in love without even talking with the other one properly. But here he is.. trying to do anything and everything to win the other's heart.

"If I deserve at least a tiny bit of happiness, he will be mine."  Jungkook thought in his mind.

What's your idea of Jungkook going to be Kim's driver.. Do you think Jungkook's decision is stupid? 🤔

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