Chapter 36

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Repeat this out loud after me. "I'm a good human with a kind heart. I'm a blessing.."

Yes you are! 🥰

Mr Kim came into the living room and sat in front of Mr and Mrs Jung. He offered them a smile as if there were no any issue between their children.

"Ah.. Seems like you remembered about us after a long time!" He said while looking at both of the others.

"Well, we can't break the bonds between two relative families that easily.. now can we!" Mrs Jung replied while looking at Mrs Kim too.

"Mmm.." Mr Kim hummed while looking at his wife from the corner of the eye.

Mrs Jung let out a soft laugh. "So.. where are our two sons?" She questioned from Mrs Kim who was still standing beside her husband.

"Oh.. Um.. They are upstairs. Our Taehyung has no other business than looking after Jihu.. So he doesn't go anywhere away from him. He loves the little one that much.." Mrs Kim replied.

"We know that.." Mrs Jung said with a smile.

Both of the couples smiled with each other. They went silent after that.

"Mr Kim.." Dowon's father started to talk.

"We thought that, Mr Kim would talk with us before filing cases and all.." He spoke after sometime while looking at Taehyung's father. He tried to be careful to not sound like he's offending the other.

Mr Kim moved his eyes to the floor for some seconds. "Oh! So they are here to talk about the divorce case!" He thought and let out a sigh.

"Mr Jung.. we were.. so disappointed. Or else.. there are no any hatred towards the two of you. Things between our children didn't end up in a way that we could resolve after.. talking.." Mr Kim said, trying to convey his thoughts in a proper way.

His child's life was messed up and it always hurt when he talked about it.

"But Mr Kim, we're parents. When our children are doing some mistakes, it's us who should correct them and advise them about the decisions that they should take.. " Mr Jung began.

"A divorce should be the last decision. It's not good that the last decision is taken before everything else.." He said calmly.

Mr Kim's expressions filled with sadness. "What else there were to do Mr Jung?" He asked. "Dowon didn't behave in a way that we can sit and talk.. That's the only reason.. Do you think that we like to see our only child living alone with a broken marriage? To get involved with divorce cases?" Mr Kim said. The pain that was in his eyes were clearly visible.

" I'm.. I'm not saying that there weren't any troubles.. Our son behaved without taking the weight of a family life into his head.. We know that.. We never blame Taehyung by taking our son's side.." Mrs Jung
quickly added.

"Our Taehyung also doesn't have any problem with you two.. But..." Mr Kim said the last part slowly.

Mr Jung let out a loud sigh. "This is not the solution for this matter Mr Kim.. my wife and I are married for about twenty five years now.. That's why we think that this is not the solution.." He said to Taehyung's father while looking at his wife, who also nodded her head at what Mr Jung has said.

"We're also married for such long time too.. We know that disagreements and arguments happen between the partners.. but this is..different.." Mr Kim replied.

Taehyung was an innocently playful child back then. But.. his behaviour changed completely after his marriage. That's why Mr Kim hesitated to take any other step, even though he wanted his son to have a good life. That's why he never asked Taehyung to settle down the things between him and Dowon. Mr Kim was afraid to see any other mistake in his son's life.

"We told our son in every way we could.." This time, Mrs Jung decided to talk. "I even told him that if he wouldn't clear all these things with Taehyung, then the two of us would sell everything in here and leave the country. It took him time, but.. he understands many things now.." Mrs Jung said while looking at the Kims as if she's asking them to believe her.

Mrs Kim gave a sad smile to her.

"Dowon also misses his son.." Mrs Jung then said.

"He should have thought these things before. We gave him our only child who was unblemished by anything.. Our Taehyung was as pure as a flower.." Mr Kim said with a burning heart.

"Mr Kim.. we know that. That's why we came here after all these things. Dowon would never have a person like Taehyung.. We know that..!" The other replied calmly.

Mr Kim nodded his head. He felt like Dowon's parents were also heartbroken by what happened to their child's married life.

In one hand, what would Dowon's parents could do! Dowon is a grown up man. His parents can't control or correct everything he does like how parents do for a little kid.

Mr Kim thought that Mr and Mrs Jung were just as worried about the future of their child as him and his wife.

"We came here to ask you to think about this again.." Mr Jung said after some time.

Mr Kim's eyes went towards his wife unknowingly.

"Oh.. but.. I-I don't know..! We even settled everything with our lawyer.. So.. " Mrs Kim said with a shrug.

Mr Kim also nodded at that. He couldn't decide what he should say. It's good that his wife said something like that.

"Mrs Kim.. As parents, I think we should look at this matter in a different view.." Mrs Jung said.

"Taehyung will be alone if this happens. How will he be able to survive with his son without a help of a man..! Jihu doesn't stay as a little baby forever.

Dowon won't be affected that much like Taehyung would have to. It's not him that we're worried about, it's Taehyung and the child.." Mrs Jung continued without understanding the affects of her words on Mrs Kim.

Mrs Kim looked at the floor when she heard those words. Those are the things that were in Mrs Kim's mind for the past year. She felt like the heaviness that was on her and her husband's shoulders began to feel even more, when someone else is talking about it.

"Even the society.. You know how the society is, right.. I don't want Jihu to suffer from judgments.. He is my grandson too..!" Mrs Jung said.

"I understand what you are saying.. Seeing our son spending a good married life is the biggest relief for us. We're in so much pain already!" Mrs Kim said with a heavy heart.

"Let's talk with both of them.. I think we should put them back together after solving everything in between them.. There are problems in everyone's married life. But even if, divorce is not the only solution. On the other hand Jihu is the one who will get mostly affected by this! I think both Taehyung and Dowon should understand that.. "

Mr Kim lowered his head and put his fingers on each side of his forehead before sighing heavily. He didn't gave a reply.

" Taehyung is upstairs right? I'll talk with him a little bit.. " Mrs Jung said while standing up from the sofa and walked towards the staircase as no one else seem to say anything.

Jihye, who came to the living room with a tray in her hands sighed silently while looking at the woman who was walking towards her young master's room. "Young master was just starting to get back to his normal life! Seems like his heart will be shattered again!" She thought sadly.

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