Chapter 75

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When Mr and Mrs Kim stepped out  from the vehicle, Jungkook slowly walked closer to them and stood in front of them. He lowered his eyes, not having courage to look straight at the elder couple's eyes, as he didn't know how they would react when they get to know the truth.

"Jungkook.. Where's Taehyung?" Mrs Kim questioned since she felt like the said male is not going to talk anytime soon.

"He is.. inside.."  Jungkook replied somewhat hesitantly.

"Inside?" Mrs Kim repeated.

"Mmm.." Jungkook hummed and nodded his head. He then again went silent for a second, without saying anything else.

"Sir.. Mrs Kim.. both of you.. please forgive me.." Later, he said in a somewhat throaty voice.

As the elder couple didn't understand what the other was apologising for, they looked at each other with questionable expressions.

"Jungkook, what are you asking forgiveness for? And.. why Taehyung is here? What is this place..?"  Mr Kim began to question, feeling a bit impatient.

"This... is my home Sir.." Jungkook replied, making his mind ready to face anything that happens.

"This.." Mr Kim reacted with surprise. 

"This is.. yours?"  He asked once again and looked at his wife's face.

"Jungkook where's our son..!"  Mrs Kim quickly asked afterwards.

"I.. I'll tell you everything Sir. First, let's go inside.." Jungkook then said as a reply.

When they entered in, the pretty male was in the living room. And in the first second he saw his parents, he quickly walked over to Jungkook and gave baby Jihu to him. After that, he went towards his parents.

"Mama.. Papa.." He said lowly and hugged his father in a tight grip.

Mr Kim, who was still so confused, hugged the pretty male back in a more gentler way and wandered his eyes over the view of the house, before finally stopping them on Jungkook.

"Okay now.. can one of you tell me what's this all about? What is this place..? And why Tae asked us to come here all of the sudden..?" He then began to speak.

"Mr Kim.." Jungkook tried to talk to the older man.

"No Jungkook.. I'll tell them.. First, let's take a seat.." But the younger male stopped him.

"Papa.. I never told you this before.. but... since a long time..I.. " The pretty male stopped for a moment and licked his dry lips to make the uncomfortable feeling on them to go away.

"Since a long time.. I..  loved Jungkook.." The pretty male slowly proceeded.

Mrs Kim made her eyes widened at that.

"I.. loved the Jungkook.. whom I thought  as a guy who works for my Papa.."  Taehyung kept going.

"All I knew about his personal life was that.. he.. lives with an uncle. I thought he is.. doing this job that my Papa gave him.. as a living.  But.. anyhow.. because of his personality.. and because of his heart.. his.. kind heart.. I.. fell in love with him.

So.. finally I decided to tell him. I asked him to take me to his home.. and before we reach here, I revealed my feelings to him.."  Taehyung went ahead with difficulty.

This was his first time of talking with his parents about the person he fell in love with. Therefore he felt shy.. and also, he found it a little difficult to talk about that certain topic.

Specially when his parents were giving him the kind of facial expression, that they were had on their faces now.

But anyways, he didn't stop.

"And then.. Jungkook said everything about himself afterwards.. " The pretty male then said and waited for a little longer, to see what would be his parents reaction.

To his happiness, or maybe not.. there were none. Mr and Mrs Kim just sat there in silence as they still couldn't understand the whole thing.

"Papa.. this is.. Jungkook's home.. This is his home."  Taehyung then began again. 

When Jungkook earlier said that the house is his, Mr Kim didn't thought about that with much interest. He himself didn't know why. But when Taehyung said that, he lifted his eyebrows in confusion.

" What..? " He asked.

" Papa.. Jungkook is a businessman. A successful businessman. He owns a huge company.." The pretty male continued.

"He.. had seen me once at Jimin's engagement.." Taehyung then told the whole story to his parents without any hurry.

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"So.. then that's why you had a good knowledge about business.." Mr Kim then decided to say after a long silence.

"But.. Jungkook.. why?" He questioned afterwards.

"You could have just talk with us about your feelings.. Why did you choose to went through so much hardships..? " He asked further more.

Jungkook, then slowly raised his eyes up, and locked them with the older man. "Mr Kim.." He spoke.

"I'm sorry for hiding the truth about myself.. But.. I already knew what Taehyung had been going through. I didn't want him to think the same about me.  I knew very well that if I talked with him... or with the two of you.. he would just.. reject me. But now.. it's his own decision to love me.. He chose me himself, without anyone forcing or telling him to... And.. that was what I also wanted.. " The said male replied calmly.

" I didn't want him to say yes to me because I developed feelings for him.. neither because I'm proposing him.. nor because you're asking him to think about me. I... wanted him to fall in love with me without any external intervention.. because.. to me, his thoughts matter.." Jungkook then said while looking directly at Mr Kim, with sincere eyes. 

"His decisions.. his choices.. they always matter to me.. So.. I wanted to do everything, to have a small place in his heart. I wanted to do everything, to become one of his choices..... without putting him on any pressure.." Jungkook then went on carefully, making Mrs Kim's eyes glisten with tears.

We've come so far.. 😊
It was a long journey, wasn't it!

Now when I read the story again, I can understand why some readers were very impatient at some moments🤭.  I'll apologise for that, and also.. thank you for liking the story. ☺️

To all who were very kind to me.. I'm thankful..  And also, same goes to all who've read this so far.. 💜

Sorry about the mistakes..!
Have a great day/night! 💜💜

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