Chapter 19

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In the silent room which was filled with the sun light, Taehyung and his beautiful babyboy were just resting.

Jihu was resting because he was feeling sleepy after getting his tummy filled with his mommy's delicious milk. Taehyung was resting because of his leg, which was still aching a little.

Taehyung was sitting on the floor beside the bed while his baby was laying on his stomach on the bed, with resting his little chin on the pretty male's shoulder.

Taehyung recalled the incident that happened a while ago

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Taehyung recalled the incident that happened a while ago. But all got into his mind was, how Jungkook's big and warm hand rubbed his soft skin delicately... How Jungkook made him lean onto his body...

More over those.. How he suddenly felt safe, when Jungkook was talking to him softly from his deep manly voice. The pain reduced.. His mind calmed down.. And that's the first time he felt like that because of another male.

He recalled the other day when Jungkook brought herbal products to his baby. And when he took them to the hospital building in the rain.. Jungkook didn't let a single droplet of water touch him and his baby. But Jungkook got damped.

When they were coming back home from the hospital, Taehyung wanted to buy some things for his baby and asked Jungkook to stop the car in front of a supermarket. Jungkook asked if he can keep the baby in the car and hold him until Taehyung do shopping.

The pretty male hesitated a little at that time. He was not comfortable with leaving the most precious person in his life, with another man. But he had to do it anyways because of the rainy weather.

Taehyung remembered how Jungkook was smiling and playing with his baby while talking to him.. whenever he looked at their car from the supermarket. And Jihu.. he was laughing nonstop to whatever Jungkook was saying.

Jihu doesn't go to someone easily. But he was happy the whole time that he spent with Jungkook. His father too.. Jungkook took most of the work in the car sale into his hands and did it without even his father ordering him. His father was also happy.

A little smile came to the pretty male's lips. He let out a sigh. He felt that Jungkook is a good person even though it was so soon to judge if he truly is or not. But he decided to focus on the good side. It was good that he now has another person around him who is around his age apart from Jimin.

Taehyung liked the way how the usual loneliness fades away a little bit in these two days. Jungkook also felt like family. And Taehyung liked it. He liked to get to know about a person who's not his parents and Ji hye.

But as his newly developed habit, he doesn't trust someone easily. He reminded that to himself too.

-- -- -- -- -- --

"Young master!" Jihye called while running into Taehyung's room.

"I'm so sorry young master! Jungkook told me what happened. I didn't hear you calling me.. I was showering. " Jihye hurried towards Taehyung and sat beside him on the floor.

"How's your leg now young master?" Jihye asked worriedly.

"Mm.. It's a bit okay now Jihye. J-Jungkook a-applied some medicine on it.."  Taehyung stuttered and said very slowly while looking down. He felt uncomfortable to say it out loud that Jungkook put medicine on him. He fiddled with his fingers.

Jihye touched the leg a little and looked at her young master without saying anything. She was a little surprised that Taehyung let another man touch him like that, knowing how Taehyung is.

"The swell almost went down.." That's all she said.

-- -- -- -- -- --

Taehyung walked here and there in his room after a little while. It doesn't hurt much now. He can walk. He didn't thought it would be less painful in just couple of hours because of the way it hurt when he fell.

He slowly came to the downstairs with his baby in his hands. Nobody was at the living room. So Taehyung walked towards the car sale where his father is at.

" B-Babba..! " Jihu clapped and giggled suddenly. Taehyung looked at his son and noticed the reason for his son to squeak like this.


Jungkook turned his head to look at them as he heard Jihu's baby talks. His eyes immediately went to the pretty male's leg.

"Your leg must be hurting.. Why did you come down young master?" Jungkook asked kindly. Taehyung just smiled. And Jungkook felt his heart jump because of the beautiful smile.

"My leg is alright now... Thanks to you.." Taehyung said softly and politely.

Jungkook just smiled. They both went silent after that.

"Papa said that the car sale is going on well now.." The pretty male said after a little while, in a little quiet manner.

Jungkook smiled thinking how innocent and pure Taehyung is.. again.

"Yeah? We sold out a car today. " Jungkook said through his smile.

"Mm... Papa said that. He said it was you who did the business untill the customer agreed to buy the car.. " Taehyung looked at Jungkook.
"Seems like you're good at business.. " He then added.

This time, it was Jungkook who smiled while looking at the floor.

"Stay with my Papa. He'll help you to come into a good place in this field." Taehyung said. He saw that Jungkook is a smart person. He thought that Jungkook would be able to have a much better job if his father helps him, since Jungkook is good at work.

" I'm not going to leave young master.." Jungkook said with determination and Taehyung felt that Jungkook is never going to leave this place.

"Say bye to the uncle Jihu.."  Taehyung said to his son, before leaving to go to his father's office.


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