Chapter 37

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Mrs Jung entered into Taehyung's room with a wide smile. Taehyung, who was hugging Jihu close to his chest, looked at the lady with wide surprised eyes. He was expecting Jihye.. not Dowon's mother.

To him, what's happening right now in his home felt like pulling back a buried garbage which he got rid of years ago. Indescribable helplessness pervaded the pretty male's mind.

"We came to see you and our little man.." Mrs Jung came closer to Taehyung's bed and took a seat.

"Look at him! He has all grown up!" She smiled with the pretty male while signaling towards the baby.

Taehyung tried to force a smile. But, the only thing that came out was the expression of vulnerability.

Mrs Jung examined his face for a little while. "How are you son.." The older woman then asked in a gentle voice.

"I'm... I'm doing fine m-mom.." Taehyung said weakly while turning his eyes to look at the mattress.

The other nodded her head with an unknown expression. Her eyes then went towards the little baby who was in the pretty male's embrace. A slight smile came to her face. "Come to grandma! Ignoring me like you can't even recognise me.. hm..? My little baby.." Mrs Jung said in a cheerful voice.

She held her hands infront of Jihu, wishing to take him to her hands. But the baby let out a whiny sound and turned back to Taehyung. He pressed his face in his mommy's tummy.

"Huh? Complaining about grandma already?" Mrs Jung laughed while looking at Taehyung's face too. She expected to see a smile on the other's face. But.. there was none. Her smile slowly faded away as she let out a soft sigh.

She then rubbed the babyboy's back softly without trying to change his position.

"Is he still being breastfed?" She asked from the other.

"Yes mom.." The pretty male nodded his head slightly.

Mrs Jung nodded her head. "That's why we're in peace... Because we know that you're taking good care of the baby. Even Dowon also said that.." Mrs Jung praised him.

Taehyung lowered his eyes at that. He wished that it'll be good if they wouldn't talk about Dowon.

"Dad also came with me. Son.. We came here to talk with your parents and clear these things between us. Dragging this situation for longer and making things even more serious are meaningless, don't you think so..? " Mrs Jung spoke calmly.

"Dowon is regretting now.. He understands the things that he has done. " She stopped caressing Jihu for a moment and let out an audible sigh.

"He was just a fool.." She then murmured.

"No.. he was not just a fool. He knew what he was doing! He ended the most beautiful era of my life!" Taehyung thought when the painful memories began to cloud in his mind again.

"It's useless to talk about these things now mom.. You two can come here and see Jihu anytime you want.." Taehyung said slowly, without lifting his eyes to meet hers.

"Taehyung.." Mrs Jung took the pretty male's soft and delicate hand to one of her hand and softly enclosed it by the other.

"Take your time to think about this again son.. We talked with Dowon for many times. We strictly said that he should get a hold of his life. He also admitted that he wouldn't be able to find anyone better than you.." She said in a small voice.

"Taehyung, he is our only child. We love him so much. It always pained us to see him doing those carefree wrong things. He was wrong and I admit that. It took us time to finally make him realise that how much of a valued person he's going to lose.

That's why we didn't come to talk with you before. We couldn't look at you or talk to you even we wanted to. We were ashamed..
We still are.. on behalf of our son.
But, Dowon understand his mistakes now..

And.. and you can change him. You can change him to a better person. I know that.. " She went on without stopping as she understood that the pretty male is not going to say anything.

Jokes! Each and every thing that Mrs Jung is saying are jokes. That's how the pretty male felt.

" You still have time Taehyung.. Think about it. Mm..? You should also have a future..! " Mrs Jung said while looking at the other's face.

"I don't think about my future anymore mom.. I only think about my child." Taehyung said in an almost inaudible voice and took his hand from the others hold.

"Son.. it's not like that.. Talk with your mom and dad.. Think about this again. At least for this child.." Mrs Jung put her hand gently on Jihu's head.

"Dowon is the one who should have thought that.." Taehyung said calmly and looked away.

"That's true. That's completely true. That's why I always scold him.." She let out a sigh. But the pretty male didn't talk.

"You and this little baby is precious to us. On the other hand, Jihu is not a child who should grow up without a father. He is the only one left for us to carry our name forward.."

Taehyung felt like he was trembling.

"He comes to our home like twice in an year.. do you know why mom? Do you think it's because he misses his son? No, it's because he wants to shout at me. When he is so drunk and not in his proper mind, he comes here just to shout at me and threaten me. He once took Jihu with him even though my Mama tried to stop him because he was drunk. What do you think of that? What if something has happened to my baby at that time? Do you think a changed person act like that? Do you think any father who loves their child would act like that?" The pretty male went on without stopping even though his voice was shaky.

Jihu whined a little when he felt that his mommy was trembling. The pretty male tried to calm down and not brake down into tears for the sake of his baby.

"I guarantee about Dowon this time. If he does something wrong again, I'm won't look at his face ever again. I already said this to him.." Mrs Jung quickly replied.

But, the pretty male didn't say anything. He felt afraid to say anything, thinking that he will burst out into tears anytime if he does.

"Son.. He misses Jihu.. He misses you. That's why he's behaving like that. He doesn't know how to express his feelings. He's your husband Taehyung.. It's only you who can make him change.. He understands that he was wrong already. And that's because of you.. Give him a second chance.. If not for him, at least for the two of us.. " The older woman said in a throaty voice.

" Think about this again.. Okay son..? " Mrs Jung asked again went silent after that, wishing for a reply.

But Taehyung didn't speak. The room was silent other that the soft sound of the pretty male's laboured breathing. His face was saddened with pain.

Mrs Jung let out a sigh.

She decided to talk after keep looking at the other for some minutes. "Come downstairs, come talk with dad too.. hmm?" She said in a defeated voice and stood up from the bed while giving a pat on the other's shoulder.

Taehyung blinked his eyes several times and took a large gulp of breath to stop his whimpers from coming out. He then nodded his head weakly.

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