Fifteen-Horseman, Apocalypses

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Annabelle walked over towards Jack who sat around the gazebo with Abigail. She sat down beside Jack and helped him read a Penny Dreadful Comic Book about Otis Miller. Her reading came to halt as the scream from Mary-Beth erupted.

''It's Kieran!''

Annabelle looked up and her heart dropped and bile crawled up her throat, without thinking she grabbed Jack and Abigail and brought them down to cover towards the old battle defences. Jack was secured under Annabelle's arm but when the boy turned around and saw his father he managed to escape and make a run for John.

''Pa!'' he cried out, John quickly made a run for him before he could get out too far.

''Jack! No!'' John ignored all Jack's protests and grabbed him and put him back down beside Annabelle. ''Stay there,'' he ordered the teary eyed boy before going beside Abigail.

Annabelle pulled out her pistol from the belt of her dress, shooting at all the O'Driscoll's that rolled in on horses or by foot. It soon got too much and Annabelle had run out of ammo. She cursed under her breath and then grabbed Jack's hand.

''Women and Children, inside'' Dutch ordered from above with Arthur. Annabelle picked Jack up and cradled him in her arms using her body as a shield as she ran inside without getting shot at.

''Rest of you, hold your ground.''

Just as she opened the door, Arthur was stood there with a frown, he quickly helped Annabelle in with Jack and Abigail and the other women and Strauss. Arthur turned to look at Annabelle who grabbed her famous rifle and loaded the gun with a scowl.

''Don't let anyone back through that door!'' he shouted before making a run towards John to help. Annabelle shut the door behind her and guarded the door as she shot down all the O'Driscoll's.

''Wagon! Wagon!'' Annabelle screamed, her heart was pounding and it was all she could hear alongside the screams from inside the manor.

''We're getting overwhelmed! Fall back to the house!'' John screamed and started making his way towards Annabelle, to which she opened the door and went inside.

''Everyone stay calm. We need something in front of that door.'' Dutch came down and ordered which Arthur complied and brought the bookshelf down quick.

''Good. Now everyone, I got this. Get these windows covered quickly...John you take the window over there..'' Dutch gestured towards the window in the living area behind him, John nodded and started to make his way over. ''Charles you take the side door there,'' Dutch moved out the way and pointed his gun in the direction he wanted Charles to go in. ''Arthur, you take the windows in the back, Annabelle go with Charles'' Annabelle nodded and made her way towards Charles who nodded towards her.

Bringing up her rifle as she stood to the side taking cover she peaked around the corner and saw O'Driscoll's swarming the area as they climbed out boats. Annabelle gritted her teeth and screamed at them and walked out of cover shooting at them before they could make it to land.

Just as one O'Driscoll was about to attack Annabelle, Arthur and Sadie showed up shooting them. ''Bastards'' and then a scream and glass smashing erupted Charles fell with an O'Driscoll gripping to him. Before the O'Driscoll could stand up and fight back Charles used his Tomahawk and the sound of the gristly crunch of the bone being smashed and sliced.

After checking if they we're okay they made a run towards the front of the house and back at the old battle defences. It wasn't long until they all started to fall back and run away, Sadie shouting at them and calling them ''Cowards'' as they disappeared in the tree line.

Annabelle sighed and then slumped down her eyes fluttering shut. ''Annabelle?'' but who had called her, she would not know as the voice disappeared and so did her vision.


A groan erupted from Annabelle as she stirred and rolled over to be met with Javier's back as he wrote something down on a bit of paper. ''Javier?'' her voice was hoarse and scratchy, she winced when she sat up. 

"Good Morning, Mi amore." Javier placed the pen and paper down and looked at the woman before him properly. 

"What happened?" Annabelle questions frowning and stepping out of bed in a limp and gets changed into a red dress with Javier watching her every move. 

"We don't really know, but Susan and Reverend thinks its because of the all the stress of the gang and the baby. Susan says to take some rest from the action, which I agree and if you want me there by your side I will-" Annabelle spun around and shook her head before walking towards him after she finished brushing her hair. 

"Don't, they need you Javier. I will be fine by myself and I have Abigail, Mary-Beth and the other girls to keep me company. All I ask from you is to not die out there," 

"The possibility of me dying out there is cero, amore," Javier chuckles smiling up at her, he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her between his legs and places small kisses on the small bump. 

"Hola, little one. Te amo," He mumbles against the soft fabric of the dress. 

"I guess I should go downstairs, show myself. Show everyone I'm fine," Annabelle smiled down at him as she ran her fingers through his hair before leaning down, kissing him softly on the lips.

Javier stood up grabbing Annabelle's hand and smiled at the woman before walking downstairs together where it was quiet but outside was a load of noise where the gang was drinking and having fun the evening sun. 

As the double doors open, Javier walked out first and bowed down and grabbing her hand leading her outside. The gang went silent and all was heard was Dutch's gramophone playing in the background, after a few seconds of silence Arthur was the first to welcome Annabelle. 

"The Princess has awaken and is alive!" he cheered and soon the others did, welcoming her and pulling her into an embrace.  

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