Six-Rhodes Hotel

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Warning-Sexual Content

It had been a couple of weeks and things were going smoothly, the gang had two degenerate families on each hand, Dutch and Hosea playing them like a fiddle.

People seemed happier, more smiles and laughs. More money filling up in the lockbox.

Javier and Annabelle have finally done the deed. More people have noticed that they're a thing. Javier is definitely not shy about hiding it. He warns everyone to back off who lays eyes on his woman.

Javier had fallen hard for this woman. She keeps surprising him making him fall in love with her even more. Guess that's the only thing Javier is shy about. Telling her he loves her.

He was going to. Tonight. Take Annabelle to Rhodes and rent a room and tell her in his charming ways.

Annabelle just came from hunting with a fresh kill of a doe, two turkeys and one red squirrel.

"Ah, we were in need of food Miss Jenson." Pearson thanked the woman and started skinning the animals.

"No worries, Mr Pearson, " Annabelle tipped her hat and sauntered off away from the butcher's table.

"Hello hermosa, " Javier grabbed her wrists softly, spinning her around. He pulled her in by the waist making the woman blush. The Mexican smirked down at her pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Javier, what are you doing?" Annabelle asks in a playful tone as Javier's hands tighten on her waist but not too tight to leave a bruise.

"Just kissing my woman, " Annabelle smiled at Javier's words, looking up at him through her long eyelashes.

"But I also came along to ask if you wanted to take a ride to someplace quiet, like the hotel in Rhodes?" Annabelle listened to the man as she patted out his green vest.

"I don't see why not, " she shrugged and followed him to the horses.

Patch and Boaz were happily grazing beside each other, but Annabelle noticed that Patch looked a little bigger.

"Hey, Javier do you think Patch is pregnant?" Annabelle asked as she pats her beloved horse's neck.

"Oh yeah, Well you can still ride her but not for long. My boy Boaz is going to be dad, " Javier softly scratched his American paint on the bridge of his nose.

Boaz snorted and leaned into Javier. Javier patted him one last time before climbing on.

Annabelle sat comfortably on the saddle, snapping the reins and following Javier to Rhodes.


The two outlaws rented a room from the night, but before they ordered a meal and had a couple of beers before heading back to the room.

"A-Annabelle... I need to tell you something" he cursed himself for stuttering and losing his confidence in front of the love of his life. Annabelle watched him closely as he fidgets next to her on the bed.

He swallowed the doubt and turned to face her, grabbing her hands that were in her lap.

"The last four years have been crazy and wonderful especially when you're around. I realised when you aren't around I feel empty and lost the other half of me. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I love you, hermosa, " he kept his eye contact with her the whole time, his cheeks redden with shyness. An outlaw shy? She thought.

"I love you too, Javier, " Annabelle leaned up to the man and pressed her lips to his for a light and soft kiss.

But Javier had other ideas making the woman giggle. He pushed her down onto the bed, hovering over her. Pressing kisses all over her face, jaw and neck until he reached her sweet spot.

Annabelle moaned out his name and pulled at his hair, making him chuckle.

"I haven't done much, querida." he paused and pressed a longing kiss on her lips. "But I'm about to show how much I love you if you let me?" Javier watched the woman staring up at him like he was everything.

Annabelle nodded and pulled him closer to kiss him, their lips moved perfectly in-sync.

Javier helped remove her clothes, once she naked he stared in awe. He moved his head down kissing and touching every part of her body.

"Eres tan hermosa mi amor, " he moved back up to meet her lips catching them.

Her hands wandered down his chest, she shoved the jacket off of him and across the room. She took of his hat and placed it on the bedside table. She quickly unbuttoned his vest and shirt, but she started to struggle with the belt. He chuckled and helped her out a bit.

"Someones eager, " he whispered, Annabelle just nodded and kissed him a few times, but time seemed to slow down.

Javier pushed her back down and caressed her face, looking deeply into her eyes as he positioned himself, before entering. Annabelle gasped, her hands tightly gripped his hair. He leaned down and kissed her passionately.

"Lo Siento, querida, " Annabelle nodded again, once Javier started to move but slowly she cried out in moans, her fingernails scratching at his back as he started to pick up the pace.

Her legs wrapped around his waist, her face was hidden between his neck and shoulder blade.

"Faster Javier, " she managed to moan out, Javier obliged making her scream and bite down into his shoulder. The man hissed and decided to play by her rules, as his teeth grazed at her neck.

"Te quiero mucho, " Javier held her close as they were both reaching their climax.

"I love you too, " Annabelle manged to say as they both reached their high.

Javier pulled out, pressing a kiss to her lips and getting under the covers.

"Thank you Javier, " Annabelle whispered and cuddled beside him and fell asleep making him smile.

"No worries, hermosa, "


It had been a few days since they came back from the hotel. The memories still stained their minds but they both felt closer to one another.

"Good Morning, Annabelle, " Dutch smirked at the young lady.

"Dutch, how are you, " she asked, sipping her coffee by the fire.

"Just fine. I uh I see you and Javier have gotten closer, " he chuckled, making Annabelle blush.

"Fortunately we have, " she smiled at nothing in particular.

"Hosea told me a while back at how you two would take glances at each other and none of you even noticed but here you are... The old man was right, " Dutch chuckled before walking away.

"Woah boy! Easy! What's gotten into you?" Javier tried to calm his agitated horse, as he threw his front legs about to keep his distance from Javier.

"What's going on?" Annabelle asked, also trying to calm Boaz down.

"I don't know! All I did was pat Patch?" Javier exclaimed while trying to dodge the hooves of his horse.

Annabelle looked behind Boaz to see Patch resting on the grass, her belly looked bigger.

Annabelle walked away towards Patch and knelt down, her hand resting on her belly.

"My girl... You expecting?" she giggled and patted her neck. Boaz turned around to see that Annabelle was sat next Patch but he didn't make a fuss. Instead, he laid down behind Patch and rested his head on her belly.

"I think we know how this goes, "

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