Thirteen-Where Is She Now?

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"Annabelle!" Javier cried out, he ran out the tent and looked everywhere in and out of the manor but found nothing.

Patch and Boaz were still grazing but there was no footprints. She had been kidnapped for sure.

"Javier? My son. What is wrong?" Dutch asks wiping his eyes everyone else had started to wake up and crowd around them.

"She is gone! Annabelle is missing. Someone took her," he sobbed. Karen gasped while the other woman dropped their heads. Sadie shook her head.

"We will find our girl, Javier. Plus, she's a strong girl," Hosea tries to calm down the Spaniard.

"She is pregnant, carrying my baby. My child." Abigail nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder and walked him away from the commotion.

Somewhere in the mountains where the air was was bitter and much harsher than Valentines. An old ranch that has been taken over by a bunch of men dressed in black and green.

Annabelle groaned and then quickly sat up adjusting to the dim light. It seemed like she was in a basement and there was only one window which was at the top much higher than she. Just as she got closed to it she was pulled back by rough metal that was tightly secured on her wrists sure to leave a mark. She winced in pain and linked down the cuffs that were chained to the wall.

Laughter and loud chatter made her eyes widen she got down to the floor and sat in the corner. Then a sharp kick came from the inside of her. Annabelle held her hand down on the side of her belly where the kick was.

The basement doors swung open and a man walked down the stairs with mid-length grey hair that was greasy. Colm O'Driscoll.

"what do you want, you shitbag?" Annabelle hissed, her teeth clenched together. "what haven't you done? You killed my mother, father who was so madly in love and then you tortured my husband and left him to die." a tear had rolled down her cheek but Annabelle didn't care or even noticed.

"Well, your family never paid their debt. But that was their problem-"

"no! No, it was not. You didn't let us get the money. You knew we were in debt and you said you would give us a few months. We had a month left but your friends came early and killed them all. I managed to slip away in time but just so you know...I won't hesitate to kill you, Colm, " Colm smirked and walked closer to the girl.

"Sorry sweetheart but, you are the one in handcuffs, " he sighed before chuckling. "and I also know you're running with the Van der Linde gang still. And it looks you've been whoring about, all pregnant, " Annabelle's breath hitched in her throat and gulped down the lump that was forming. These stupid hormones. If she wasn't pregnant she would be done things by now. But it was either him or the baby.

"Colm O'Driscoll! Get out here you piece of shit! I know you're down there, " it was an unfamiliar voice that Annabelle had never heard. It was a woman's voice but nothing about it seemed to ring a bell. "Colm, get out here you coward!" a few men had run into the basement and in hushed tones spoke to Colm.

"my men...killed?" Colm spoke, he turned to face Annabelle. "Well, it seems you'll meet your husband and family soon, " Colm chuckled and then took his gun out of his holster and aimed it at Annabelle. This was it she thought. Poor Javier he had already been through a lot. Annabelle managed to grab her necklace and kiss the cross.

"I love you, Javier, " she mumbled into the cross, the tear touching the gold.

Just as the gun clicked shots were fired and blood splattered onto Annabelle, she jumped and realised that she's wasn't shot. Colm turned around and then growled before making a run out the other door. Annabelle opened her eyes to see the two men dead on the floor and a woman stood by the stairs looking at Annabelle.

~The Hunt~ Javier Escuella AU ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now